You might recall, I mentioned last week in my “Remain in Me” thoughts, I would continue sharing more of the richness of Jesus’ words in subsequent verses from John 15:9-17.

I encourage you to go grab your Bible and read those verses or click here  as I will only highlight a few verses to share with you.



Continue reading “I CHOSE YOU”


This past Sunday, I had the honor and blessing to snuggle and love on just one particular baby boy at the NICU of one of local hospitals. I am so honored and blessed to be a small part of this special ministry.

I was able to hold this little guy two different times for about a total of two hours. Whenever I am sitting there rocking one of the wee ones, I get lost in thought and prayer just gazing upon their precious face, lost in the tranquility of the moment, especially as they are sleeping so peacefully.  Continue reading “PERFECTION”