There seemed to be a lot of hustle and bustle all around as I was meeting a friend at Dunkin donuts on National Donut day.   I stepped to the far side, glancing at my phone, while waiting for my order to be prepared.


I heard the cashier greet the next customer with the usual, “Hello~What can I get for you today?”

It was kind of strange that suddenly it seemed that everything seemed quieter and I noticed there was no usual audible response; instead there was just deafening silence.  Glancing at the customer, I pieced together that he was mute. Continue reading “IN THE SILENCE”


Be still and know that I’m with you
Be still and know I am


Those are words from this song entitled Be Still by The Fray.  Take a few moments before reading these thoughts to Be Still with the Lord and be blessed by His presence through this song.




Take time each day to be still

Get away from the hustle and bustle

Even if for five minutes

Spending time basking in God’s love and presence. Continue reading “BE STILL”


Do you often feel like you and God are able to solve all your problems yourself? Maybe that you really don’t need a “human” to share with?

Is it because maybe you have been hurt one too many times by someone not holding your words in confidence or fear of being misunderstood?

Or is it too hard to be vulnerable and open with someone because you don’t want to be wounded somehow? Continue reading “LISTEN”