A mishap from 2019 that landed me with a fractured right radial head (translation:  broken elbow) humbled me and taught me a few more life lessons that I think are useful for all of us to keep in mind.

First, a little background. My husband and I were in Lancaster, PA to attend the “Jesus” show at the beautiful Sight and Sound Theater. What wonderful musical productions they put on every year with amazing technical effects and live animals to enhance the power of the show.  Thankfully we went there on a Saturday, stayed overnight and had our “activity” on Sunday.

The activity was a 2 1/2 – 3 hr covered bridge tour riding a scooter (moped.)  In case you did not know, I am not so coordinated at some physical activities. A few years ago I did eventually master riding a segway after some extra practice and training. Continue reading “RELIANCE ON OTHERS”


Can you relate to this story on some level?

A week ago, my eldest son asked me to accompany him clothes shopping at a big mall (for local readers aka Destiny USA).  It was a major shopping trip so he could buy appropriate business attire for the launching of his upcoming professional career in the “real” world! Continue reading “BURDENS”