The “Be Still” theme I shared last week continued for me this past weekend. I was grateful to spend a day in the solitude, being still, at Lake Ontario. I spent about eight hours on the shore with my chair, Bible, and notebook; it would have been even longer, but darkness started to move in. It was a wonderful time of just “being” with the Lord and reflecting.



The shoreline consisted of mounds of stones and some boulders. To get to the beach, the challenge is to climb down the various boulders and stones making your way whatever way you can.  It was amazing to see all the stones and the beauty of all their different colors, shapes, and sizes. Most of them appeared to have smooth surfaces from their travels through the water. I was overcome with the beauty of the shoreline and thinking how our lives are so much like those stones. We come in all colors, sizes, and shapes having quite the journey through the path of life. Sometimes we have smooth times in life and sometimes life becomes jagged. However, we are all beautiful too! Continue reading “WATER REFLECTIONS”


What great truth there is in the good ole saying,




At a retreat I recently was grateful to attend, silence is one of the first things that is introduced and then implemented for the rest of the evening.


As the leader pointed out,


Photo courtesy of Marco Verch under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0); words added by hopetoinspireyou.com
Continue reading “SILENCE IS GOLDEN”


There seemed to be a lot of hustle and bustle all around as I was meeting a friend at Dunkin donuts on National Donut day.   I stepped to the far side, glancing at my phone, while waiting for my order to be prepared.


I heard the cashier greet the next customer with the usual, “Hello~What can I get for you today?”

It was kind of strange that suddenly it seemed that everything seemed quieter and I noticed there was no usual audible response; instead there was just deafening silence.  Glancing at the customer, I pieced together that he was mute. Continue reading “IN THE SILENCE”


The first day of school this year for my youngest son started with him in the middle of a shower when suddenly the power went out quite unexpectedly!  I guess kind of fortunately, he didn’t have shampoo in his hair when that happened; instead it had to be a “no shampoo” day for him!  Our house has a well for water, not city water, so when the power goes out we do not really have water either! Not the best way to start the school year but it ended up much better than six years ago when our area experienced a flood that afternoon and was without electricity for 5 days. This time it was only a few hours. Continue reading “SILENCE”