You might recall from reading some of my thoughts, if you have through the years,  that I am happiest when I am serving or helping others; sharing Christ with others through serving.   It seems to be one example that Jesus, while on this earth, taught us to do, right?   Helping others makes me think about others rather than focusing on me; putting others first.


For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.  –Mark 10:45  (NIV)

“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’”  –Matthew 25:40  (NLT)

Continue reading “MISSION DAY 2020”


One day while helping a dear family friend of ours put up their Christmas decorations, the gentleman mentioned a show he had been watching that would be on after the Sunday night football games that evening.

It was just a casual mention but in his description of the show, I realized it was a show I had caught a glimpse of a few times, via a passing commercial, that I might be interested in checking out but never took the time to do so. Continue reading “GOD FRIENDED ME”


This week I would like to share with you an experience that my youngest son was excited to fully share with me upon his arrival home from a camping trip to a Christian music festival this past week.

After all, he started with saying, “It’s a long, crazy story and you’re going to want to write a blog post…a WHOLE blog post on this!”

How can I not if my teenager thought it was worth sharing? 😃  I do believe the experience highlights several principles that are applicable to our lives that you will be able to relate to.  Continue reading “BE THE ANGEL”