I think one of the many blessings we, as Christians, have is the gift of ministry that Jesus so beautifully personified in His life on earth. Have you noticed how He was always reaching the lost, the lowly, the infirmed? He had compassion on them and wanted to heal and help them. Shouldn’t we follow His example?

Do you find joy or happiness when you are ministering to others? You have probably heard me say before that I really am happiest when I am helping others.

I think it is really neat to see how our ministry can have a ripple effect and bless others and maybe even inspire others to do more along the way.

It is such a blessing to be able to minister or look at some different things that you do as ministering to others.

What are some types of “ministry” that you do?

–Do you work at a soup kitchen?
–Do you help serve food at a bereavement ministry?
–Do you read books for little children at the library?
–Do you send cards to the lonely or sick?
–Do you sponsor a child in another country to help them get an education?
–Do you sincerely and faithfully pray for particular people you know that are sick or in need of special prayer?
–Do you volunteer bringing food to the shut-ins?
–Do you give money to people in need?
–Do you pay for someone’s coffee anonymously?
–Do you visit the widow you know?
–Do you help some little ones and their teacher at school?
–Do you make pies for your Bible Study prayer partners?

There are really so many different “things” that can be considered ministry. I think maybe it has to do with your mindset and what you do with it. If you’re doing it to give honor and glory to God and because of what He has done in your life, I think it qualifies as “ministry.”

5th Ave between 37/38

Photo credit by Ed Yourdon under Creative Common License (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

I never really thought about the different “ministries” I’ve done through the years until now, but I’ll share them in the hopes it might inspire you or help you reflect on some different things you’ve done in your life.

When I was a teen, I enjoyed volunteering at the local hospital. It was then that I started to learn the joy of helping others. Meeting people who couldn’t do things for themselves because of either physical disabilities or being sick enabled me to help others and opened up a whole new world for me.

I remember helping my grandmother and great aunt as a teen as well. My great aunt’s eyes failed as she aged so I even got to be her “eyes” with taking care of paperwork and her finances for her.

As a young adult, I recall helping at our youth group because of some older friends we had made who encouraged us to help out. Speaking in front of a crowd or group of people is definitely out of my comfort zone, as I tend to be a more “behind the scenes” helper. I enjoyed helping in the little ways at youth group retreats and different functions.

There was a time when a coworker, at work I ended up befriending, and his friend started a Teen Gospel Mission. We would have several talks about the Lord and faith. They needed help remodeling a building to use and help with little details along the way. It was a blessed time of fellowship, laughs and trying to help minister to teens.

And, how could I forget trying to teach the little kids religion classes? Trying is the key word! My teaching days quickly ended after the year one girl wanted to be removed from my class. There were several rambunctious boys in the class that year. Needless to say, I guess God knew I would not make a good teacher..the profession I thought I was going to go into.

When my kids ranged in age from 9 to 1 1/2 years old, I felt a calling to do some type of family ministry because of a sermon at church. I knew the youth group at our church had worked at a soup kitchen as part of a fasting and sleeping in a cardboard box for a night to experience the feeling of homelessness, so I contacted that church. Thankfully, there was a couple that so graciously accepted our whole family as helpers. That was 12 1/2 years ago, and we are still blessed to help out once a month there. Many times, my little one would be asleep on my shoulder as we helped prepare and serve the food to the people. I find myself praying for the people as we’re serving them, asking God to meet their needs and provide for them. Some day, I know I should do something outside my comfort zone, and sit down and talk with one of them.

Sanctuary Stage

Photo credit by bighornplateau1 under Creative Common License (CC BY 2.0)

This past Christmas, I was blessed to be asked to help go Christmas caroling with some people from our Bible Study. It really showed me the ripple effect that ministry can have.

There was this one lady, Kelley, who was talking with a Deacon from our church who shared a person, Marian, who needed some prayer. Kelley prayed for Marian, a widow, who is in a nursing home. Kelley felt the Lord inspiring her to go meet this stranger, something definitely outside her comfort zone. Kelley has been visiting Marian almost every week from that day on. At Christmas time, Kelley got the idea Marian would be blessed by Christmas Carols. So, Kelley poked around to find someone willing to play the guitar (aka my husband) and gathered some singers. (aka me among those.)

It was a very touching experience. Marian’s son and three out of four grandchildren were there. I often find myself praying as I’m doing these “ministries.” It was so touching to see Marian’s son tear up as we were singing and to see how nicely his teen children were joining right in with the singing. It was so beautiful to see Marian join in singing and raising her hands in praise to the Lord, despite her pain and frail condition, as well as missing her husband. We happened to originally go to the wrong floor, but it was neat that I saw another friend’s father-in-law that was there. I really wanted us to go sing to him but we were on a time crunch because at the last minute we decided to take the troops to another shut in on the way home to sing to them. It just happened that Kelley had also been praying for this gentleman (Greg Pedroza, who I wrote on in another blog), so she finally got to meet him and his wife. While there, Greg had the idea to call another man in a nursing home, so we got to minister to him as well. One small thing can have such a big ripple effect.

As I volunteer at a school a few hours a week, I enjoy helping the teacher and then interacting with the kids and helping them do things. They are such a joy to watch…to reflect on their innocence and love they share with you. This year the kids are so friendly and will come give you a hug and grab your hand to walk somewhere. It is a blessing to pray for them and to think about their future as I’m there too.

In our Bible study, we are suppose to do a ministry outside our comfort zone and then share that experience with our group. Going to a jail would definitely be outside my comfort zone so I was kind of disappointed to learn that you have to be approved and go through lots of things to really be able to go into a jail nowadays.

It was neat to see how in one person’s life, God used his two children to confirm that he should go visit and deliver a poinsettia that had been at church to a lady in a nursing home, who turned out to be none other than Marian! So, it is amazing to see how one simple act, say praying for someone, can lead to changing and affecting so many other lives.

I encourage you to continually think and seek ways to minister to others. Your life will definitely be blessed in unexpected ways, as well as blessing other people.

The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” –Matthew 25:40

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!


  1. Hi Christine! I’m really touched by this. Thanks for sharing how blessed you feel by the opportunity to bless others. Praying for you as you continue to bless & inspire so many readers through the ministry of your blog. ~~ Peace

  2. There are soooo many ministries to choose from! Love how you share all of these and pray that others will be inspired to be involved because of your words!

    thanks for all that you do to encourage others to live a life for Christ!


    1. Thanks for your encouragement and support, Marie! That is a great ministry too! And, yes, I agree with your prayer, as well. 🙂 Thanks so much and God bless!

  3. Great list of ministry ideas for others and thanks for sharing your stories! It is wonderful to be able to bless others and I think many people will be inspired by this post! #bloggercaregroup

  4. When you stop to think about it, Gods ultimate love was service. Thanks for reminding me it goes beyond the pulpit!

  5. It’s amazing to me how much we are blessed when we take the time to bless others. We could almost do it for selfish reasons. 🙂 So many ministry opportunities out there. Thanks for sharing some of your favorites.

  6. Christine, what a blessing! I tend to minimize my “small” efforts or judge myself and say I should be doing more. The line that really jumped out at me was “One small thing can have such a big ripple effect.” Thanks for the encouragement and reminding me to just give to the needs He brings my way! blessings- #bloggercaregroup

    1. I’m glad you were blessed and inspired, Cindy. Yes, God can use one small thing to touch a person….just today God placed an elderly lady in a handicap parking spot in my path, so I helped her load her groceries in her car and take the cart back for her. I think it made her day, and I was blessed too, yet it was such a little thing.

  7. I had forgotten many of the “ministries” I was involved in over the years until I read your article. It made me smile to reflect on a time when I taught the children’s Sunday school class, when I led the 3rd-6th grade girls in our AWANA club, a time when my husband and I sponsored a severely disabled woman for Christmas, and a few times when I simply paid for the person behind me at several Dunkin Donuts drive-thrus. There are so many things we can do to bless others, even in the smallest ways. What a wonderful feeling it is. Blessings to you, Christine!

  8. Such an awesome example of a life lived in service. I too am happiest when I am serving others. Thank you for living a life that ministers to those around you and being an example of how to be the hands and feet of Jesus. To this post I just saw a resounding AMEN! 🙂

  9. Thanks for this great post, Christine. I especially like how you remind us that anything we do for God can be considered ministry. Sometimes, I feel like I’m just sitting on a pew on Sunday and not doing anything for His kingdom. I really appreciate this reminder that everything we do for His glory counts.

    1. Thanks for reading, Colin, and I’m glad you were reminded that the “little” things done for His glory are just as important and “ministry.” And, what a “God-incident” you posted your comment as I was doing my weekly cleaning/wash for my mother. It made me think about what a ministry even cleaning can be…eight years worth already! God bless.

  10. Pingback: Anonymous
  11. And if course, I’m sure you have many more examples of how God has used you to minister to others. I just want to draw attention to your gift of writing. You may not like to be up front and center stage but your writing Blesses Many. Thank you for ministering to many through your writing. You give encouragement, life and hope to others. It’s a blessing to minister. Giving is Receiving!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and taking time to comment, Tracy. You sure encouraged me and blessed me in a great way with your kind words. Thanks for ministering to me today! And, yes, giving is receiving…I couldn’t agree more!! God bless. 🙂

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