Do you, like me, sometimes enjoy taking a road trip by yourself?
Cruising along on the open road, especially if there is good weather, and not much traffic, seems soothing to my soul. It gives me a peaceful feeling and I feel God’s presence while I’m cruising along the road. Of course, I can’t help but play Third Day music, which blesses me, the whole way to top it off!
I was truly blessed this past weekend to do just that as I had a chance to go to a Third Day concert because of an unexpected available ticket. It was a win-win situation for sure! It was so last minute that I didn’t know until about 6 pm Friday night that I was going at 9 am Saturday morning! It really was a wonderful road trip and a blessed time of worship to experience. Everything worked out just perfect.
On the six hour drive to Ohio, it gave me lots of time to pray for so many people that need prayer while playing my music. On the way back, it was more of a time for me to just play the music and reflect on the messages of the songs, even though I do that all the time. It was just more of a quiet time with God.
Photo credit by AboutMyTrip dotCom under Creative Common License (CC BY 2.0)
Have you ever thought about how your life is like taking a road trip?
The destination is heaven to spend eternity with God & Jesus. Ultimately, that is truly the best destination and will be even better than anything we have experienced here on this earth.
It would be pretty much impossible to make a long trip without researching the way (back in the day) or making our lives easier nowadays, getting the infamous GPS out. Before I start out on a road trip, I always pull out the GPS and program it to the destination.  On our road trip of life, we’ve got Jesus and the Bible as our navigator as well as Christian friends. Jesus, the Bible, and our friends are there to help point us back in the right direction if we get off the beaten path or if we need a little bit more encouragement to make it through a trial we’re facing.
Just like there are many roads to travel on a road trip, along with many different kinds of roads, our lives can take us down many different roads….some are smooth sailing, some are bumpy and rough. Maybe we take a road less traveled in our life that is not a good one. We might even lose our way for a little and take some unexpected detours. Hopefully it won’t be long before we get back on the right road and continue on the straight and narrow road. Yet, through it all, our God is faithful and is always with us. He is there to help us find our way and love us no matter what.
On my road trip this weekend, I saw such beauty in all of God’s creation. The sun was out, in fact, on the way home I had the sun roof slightly ajar to get some fresh air to help me stay energized after a short night’s sleep! So many beautiful hills for my eyes to behold. I think the coolest sight was going over this huge lake and seeing some cross country skiers plowing through the snow.
Photo credit by Steven Straiton under Creative Common License (CC BY 2.0)
On this road trip of life, do you take time to notice the beauty of your surroundings? There is so much beauty in looking at creation….the mountains, hills, valleys, even the vast flat land all have their own beauty. You might see some snow to grace the hills, the sun to brighten your path, the clouds that might bring some storms, the glorious sunrises where you see God’s beauty shining forth, or the full moon to light up the night sky…All of these things show God’s omnipresence and power to make such a beautiful world for us to experience while on this earth.
Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them.
–Luke 24:13-15

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

0 thoughts on “THE ROAD TRIP OF LIFE”

  1. How lovely the way you describe life as a road trip as life really is about journey.

    We encounter bumps, humps, U-turns, roadblocks and other delays or rerouting but always we are directed to our destination.

    And the journey itself is a destination, isn’t it? Life is about keeping on no matter what. 🙂

    Hope you’re well as always! 🙂

  2. I love driving (when I’m well enough, of course) I agree with you it seems as if God is all around yet right beside me. I love singing praises to Him as I get to witness His masterpieces all around me. Thanks for sharing. So happy you got this opportunity. May God continue to bless you and yours!

  3. I love road trips!! I use to live in NC and work in VA and drove up there on Sun, home on Friday. the trip was always gorgeous!! Was probably the best 2 years of my job ever! thanks for the smile! and for sharing

    1. That sounds pretty intense with lots of time to praise the Lord and see His beautiful creation, Marie! Thanks for reading, always encouraging and spreading joy! God bless!

  4. Great analogy. So much of any journey is found in our attitude. I love how you spend your time on a road trip. Praising God and focusing on the beauty He created. We’d all be blessed with a joy-filled journey if we practiced just that every day. God bless you!

  5. Our life’s are journeys. I like this post and like taking road trips. Thanks for giving us a different perspective.

  6. Love this! Joy in our journey! Even the detours can be exciting! I think the key is being aware and noticing the beauty around us! Thanks for sharing! #bloggercaregroup

  7. I definitely miss road trips that was one of the annual highlights of my summers when I was a young child. And yes our lives can be compared to a road trip in many ways. The ability to be successful in this “road trip/journey” of life is important as believers.


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