New Beginnings……

When you first hear those words, what kind of thoughts or feelings does that illicit from you?
–Feelings of happiness?
–Feelings of dread?
I think it might depend on 
–If you are instigating the new beginning
–Or if someone or some event is responsible for the new beginning
Your response might also be related to
–If you think it is a good, new beginning
–If you think it will be a difficult, new beginning
–If it might first appear like a “bad” beginning
What new beginnings have you experienced recently or stand out in your mind?
–Maybe starting a new school
–Maybe starting a new career
–Maybe starting a new church
–Maybe moving to a new state
–Maybe starting a new ministry
–Maybe starting a new life without a loved one
–Maybe starting a new team sport
Photo credit by BK under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)
What would make your experience of any of these new beginnings a good experience?
–Maybe be welcomed with open arms
–Maybe having at least one person you already know
–Maybe having confidence knowing you will do a great job
–Maybe knowing the Lord opened the doors for you
–Maybe knowing there were others supporting you in prayer
–Maybe knowing you are never alone; the Lord is always there with you
When Jesus died on Good Friday, did you ever stop to think how Mary, Jesus’ disciples and friends must have felt? They lost their son, teacher, friend; they watched him being tortured and hung on a tree, left to die.
Can you relate to the sense of “abandonment” they must have felt – as they were left behind? They probably  thought their lives could never go on. The feeling of helplessness they must have felt.
Mary, Jesus’ disciples and friends had to face a new beginning in their lives…Life without Jesus in their midst.
But as time passed, I think they realized that terrible event, Jesus dying on the cross, had to happen and had a much larger purpose. All who give their lives to Christ can enjoy eternal life!
With recently celebrating the Easter Triduum, it  made me think about Jesus’ last days on this earth. Holy Thursday was a new beginning in Jesus’ life. The beginning of His most difficult last few days on earth.
Jesus was going to leave this earthly life He had known for 33 years, the people He knew intimately and loved, and endure much suffering and pain. How did Jesus prepare for this new beginning that He knew had to happen since it was God’s will for Him?
–Jesus went alone to pray to God the Father
–He accepted what was to come
–He endured it all to set us free from our sin and bondage
–He bravely walked the hills to Calvary
–He endured great suffering being mocked and even spat on
–When Jesus knew the final moment came, He said “It is finished!”

When we are faced with new beginnings in our lives, may we stop to think about Jesus’ example to help endure whatever our new beginning is.

Photo credit by Sapphire Dream Photography under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
What can we learn from new beginnings?
That it is good to grow and stretch ourselves
That the Lord is always there to guide us
That change can be a good thing despite it being hard sometimes
New beginnings are not unique to people only!
With spring quickly approaching, flowers are starting to bloom, the grass is getting greener and the birds are returning from the south.  All of creation experiences new beginnings!
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  –Isaiah 43:18-19  (NIV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

10 thoughts on “NEW BEGINNINGS”

  1. Thank you Christine for saying it so beautifully! I will remember Isaiah 43 when I start finding myself dwelling on the past and all I cannot go back to. There is hope in Christ and he brings hope for “new” beginning in our lives. Still it is hard sometimes to hold onto what we cannot see….I guess that is where our faith must come in.

      1. Thankful for the new beginning of a new friendship, Nancy! 🙂 How lovely of you to take time to read….thinking of you and your family; sending my love and prayers!

  2. Yes Christine -you did say it so beautifully! I watched the daffodils this year – trying to bloom, but then it would get cold so the flower would close back down. I picked my first one Easter Sunday .. this Sunday it will snow – see what they do. Similarly, my“new” beginnings progress with a back and forth but there is hope in Christ and He brings me strength to progress forward. Happy Spring

    1. Thanks so much for reading and sharing, MaryAnn! Yes, we need to keep holding on to Christ as our hope for each new beginning we have. 🙂 And, I hope the daffodils weather the storm as well! 🙂

    1. Yes…a season of hope and new beginnings! This year, we had snow today…in April…when my son was suppose to have his first school baseball game outside!! I hope spring returns soon!!

  3. As always Christine, your words are so meaningful. I try to look at new beginnings as an opportunity to grow in whatever way God is pointing me toward. Every day is a new beginning of sorts but one where we can all make a difference.

    1. Thank you for faithfully reading and for the encouragement, Jeff. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts which are great reminders! Thank you for the ways you make a difference in other’s lives daily. God bless you and your family~

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