This summer, while on vacation with my family, I conquered something that was very difficult for me. On a much smaller scale I also did a similar activity this past weekend as well.

It produces sweaty hands and fear within me as well as my mind creates doubt that all will be okay.  The “what if’s” start running through my mind.

I imagine you might have figured out what my issue is but if not~~

 I am still afraid of heights!


My earliest recollection of this fear was as a young child being at our local Arena.  At this point, I do not recall what we were seeing there or exactly how high we sat, but I just recall always feeling or thinking in my head, that it feels like I could just fall straight down.

What if somehow I actually did fall out of my seat? I would surely tumble right down all the seats and land at the bottom…that would not be a pretty sight!


Yes, I know that it would be really, really unusual for that to really happen, while I was sitting high up in an Arena, but somehow that still does not help that fear from creeping in!


Back to this summer….the thought of doing 7 zip-lines along with a few other adventures on an excursion our family agreed on was fine until it was time to approach the zip-line!  I was relieved that at least it was the first of the three activites we were going to do so that I could do it and then relax….that is, if I survived! As a side note, the ATV drive that followed the zip-lines was actually worse than the zip-lining! The ride turned out to be so very rough that you were thrown around while trying to hold on for dear life!


Rare footage of the ATV ride where the path was SMOOTH!



As I approached the first zip-line stair area I could hear a little girl screaming and eventually making her way back down the stairs. Hmm…not the best scene for me but I figured I did not want to be like that girl so the challenge was on!  I wanted to conquer these 7 zip-lines. It was reassuring to know that one could actually do just three or five of the lines if you wanted to stop early.


I was a little bummed that all the other families in our group went first so I decided it was easiest for me to just go last within our family too.  In the beginning, the only way I could make it up the stairs was to wait at the bottom of the first set of stairs until everyone else above me was out of the way before going to the next level ground.  That way I could just keep going, as bravely as  I could, one step at a time and not get stuck on a stair. These stairs were made of what appeared to be real tree wood, sometimes a little uneven and there was a type of fencing around them.  Yes, I know technically it is all safe but fear still ensued me.  My hands became a little sweaty as I tried to place them on the two railings to begin my ascent.


All I could think of was just take one step at a time and keep going.

I just looked right in front of me, at only one step, one step at a time. 



Once I made it to the first zip-line, it was an amazing feeling to zip through the air amidst the many jungle type trees below….yes, it was actually FUN! That part inspired me to keep going.


What I had not really thought about was that since there were 7 stations, every station meant more and more steps!  More and more steps meant you were technically getting higher and higher from the safety of the ground!!  Yikes!!


To give you a  little perspective of the height


What also helped me be brave was that in the first few zip-lines there was no waiting once you got to the top of the platform. That way I could just keep moving and not dwell on how high I was.  It was comforting that as soon as you reached the platform the helpers would help you get hooked up to a safety line so there was no chance of falling or slipping.


At the 4th station, there was an option to zip-line as “superman” on your stomach or upside down!


“Superman”, aka my youngest son,  ready for take off!


Can you believe that I actually forced myself to do the superman style?!  Yes, I did!! 


The hardest part was getting down parallel to the ground to get harnessed in.  (It’s pretty weird that my hands are a little sweaty as I am typing these thoughts!) I had to hold on to the one helper’s hand as I was shaking.


Yes, that is me…aka Superwoman!


Superwoman coming in for the landing.


The “Superman” style was even more fun but I will tell you I was NOT quite brave enough to attempt it upside down!  Only my youngest son partook of that!


My youngest son preparing for send off–zip-lining upside down!



Fast forward to this past weekend.  While visiting my daughter at college, my husband and I explored a lighthouse nearby where they had a tour of the lighthouse keeper’s house and a climb up the 55 stairs to the top of the lighthouse.


The Dunkirk Lighthouse (that looks so short here!)


As we ascended the spiral staircase my hands started sweating and that fear quickly crept in.  The last few stairs at the top did not have the railing so that made it a little harder.


A view from the bottom of the spiral staircase


The fear continued as I looked out at the top so I just kept holding on to the railing as I walked slowly around to catch the different views.


A view from the top of the lighthouse


Smiling through that fear and holding on!


Our tour guide was kind and understood my agony. He said he literally crawled on his hands and knees the first time he climbed those last few stairs.


You ask why am I sharing these thoughts?


Well, because when I was climbing those stairs at the zip-lines and repeating to myself “One step at a time” I thought it was a good reminder of our daily walk with the Lord.


Isn’t it all too easy to let fear overtake us even in our daily circumstances?


Do you ever find yourself wondering what the future holds?

How will our children turn out?

What will happen to us if we become disabled?

Will we have enough money to survive?

What happens if that cancer reoccurs?



May I encourage you this week, when fear starts to creep in….


It’s okay to do something scared!

Let your FAITH be greater than your fear!

Focus on taking one step at a time! 

Look straight ahead keeping your eyes on the Lord!



And remind yourself that…..


Our FAITH, our GOD is greater than our fear!

God is a mighty God! He is victorious and a conqueror!

Step by step God will lead and provide!


For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!”  –Romans 8:15 (NASB)

When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.  –Psalm 56:3 (NASB)

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.  –2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. –1 Corinthians 15:57 (NIV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

4 thoughts on “STEP BY STEP”

  1. Hi Christine.
    It took me a while to join your blog but zi am very happy of doing it. There have been many heihgts/scary things lately in my life and there are even more laid ahead but your words of encouragement makd feel much better about them. Attitude is a big denominator here. Thank you so much! It was nice to share with during the ladies’ retreat.

    1. What a nice surprise, Lissette, that sure brought a smile to my face! Thank you for the blessing of reading ~ I am so glad you are inspired and encouraged through reading. 🙂 I am forever thankful for meeting you all~God is so good! (I hope you read God’s Orchestration…and don’t mind the picture I used!) Blessings to you and your family.

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