When I think about Jesus walking on this earth, I envision Him as most of the time having a quiet, mostly calming presence about Him.


Going about life taking time to pray several times throughout the day to His Father,

healing in His Father’s name,

gracing those He encountered with His unconditional love and peace.



Do you have those people in your life that you would say have a quiet, calming presence in your life?

I bet even more so you might have certain artists or songs that, if by chance you are stressed or experiencing a degree of anxiety, you turn to help relieve those symptoms or that help shift your focus.


In my life I can think of a few people that have a calming, peaceful effect when I am in their presence. One is a lady that used to babysit my eldest son one summer many years ago. We reconnected maybe five years ago when I learned her husband was sick. It is always a pleasure to meet for coffee and be renewed with her peaceful, positive presence.

After penning these thoughts I was reminded that this lady actually says the same thing about me in her life.  I guess that is pretty neat that our lives do that for each other.  🙂


As far as music helping calm me I am always touched most by songs about God’s love that help me connect to the peacefulness in my life. Weston Skagg’s songs speak to my heart and soul. I find the lyrics most touching as well as the sound of his voice. You might recall he is a Christian artist that I’ve shared at least three of his songs in different posts here. In fact, just this morning I was having a rough day at work and turned on his music to reconnect me with some peace.



Some of you might recall that I help at a Pre-K 4 year old class a few hours a week mostly tending to labeling papers, sending home the weekly papers in folders, lending a hand to sweep the floor, or whatever is asked of me by the teacher. There are some years that lend itself to interacting more with the children though this year isn’t really one of them.


Each year though there is usually one or two children that end up holding a special place in my heart. Maybe they give me an unexpected hug, color me a special picture to hang on my fridge or just give me a big smile to brighten my day. I find myself praying for these little ones hoping the Lord will bless them, meet their needs and keep them close to His heart as they continue growing.


This year there is one particular boy that once in awhile seems extra happy to see me and gives me a great big bright smile that lights up his bright blue eyes when he sees me; maybe even a quick hug! One particular girl will also smile at me, doesn’t usually talk too much during class, and colors beautiful, colorful pictures especially for me. She is so helpful about making sure I know what to pack in her backpack for her to take home.


The quiet presence of these two children in my life bless my life and make my heart smile.




I had contacted the teacher earlier this past week to make sure it was okay if I possibly did not come in due to the chance of going out of town. She graciously said yes that was fine. A few days later I let her know I would be able to come in since my plans did not work out. She ended up saying a few things that blessed me and which led me to thinking about Jesus’ Presence while on this earth.

She said she looks forward to my coming because my presence makes her calmer and peaceful. Next year she will be teaching a different grade level and jokingly wondered if I could come help her!

Much to my surprise she mentioned that the kids will ask what day I am coming so she was glad she could tell them again this week when I would be there. It was a surprise for me to find that out since I really didn’t think they noticed me much especially this year.



In fact would you consider helping write the end to this post by sharing in the comment section below a person or artist that speaks peace in your life?


Remember that while you go about serving Jesus through others, even the simplest of tasks can influence and bless another’s life.

Jesus can use our littlest acts to bring glory to Him!

Let us be imitators of the quiet Presence that Jesus shared while on this earth.


And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. –Mark 4:37-39 (ESV)     

I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.  –John 14:27  (NLT)


Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

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