Do you ever stand in awe of how awesome our God is?

How He is continually working in your life?


I believe I mention it frequently in my writings, but I just can not help but share how it encourages me in my faith walk; I hope my sharing also makes you recognize it in your life, my dear reader!


Photo courtesy of Michael under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


How many times do we fret and worry about things instead of trusting God?

How many times do we think WE are in control of everything?

How many times do we fear rather than have faith?

How many times are we blinded from seeing Him working in us?



You know what….Try to remember this:

God’s timing is always perfect!

God’s ways are always best!

God works in every detail of our lives!

God is in charge!


I see God at work in my life in something as simple as hearing songs on the radio! Let me explain–

This week it happened at least four times in three days!  Once when I was home alone working the in the kitchen and for something different I decided to turn on a local Christian radio station. (I usually just play it in the car when running around.)  The second song that came on was one by, none other than my favorite band, Third Day!


The Third Day Band members along with Steven Curtis Chapman


The same blessing occurred three times in the car while doing errands–one time was even at midnight! God knows how much Third Day’s music has blessed and continues to bless my life these past four years. It was quite interesting to me that each song I heard was even a different one.  When these things happen, anymore I just burst out laughing at God working and thank Him for His goodness!

God blesses us even in the simple things in life….showing His presence to us with His perfect timing. Seeing God work in these small ways encourages me to trust Him more and in even bigger ways.





My Third Day traveling buddy & friend, Mary Jo, and I went on a quick overnight trip recently to see her favorite solo artist, Brandon Heath, perform with a band, Big Daddy Weave. Once again, God was so gracious to us and blessed us with working out something a little extra special for us.  Here is the story told via Mary Jo:

We were sitting in the auditorium at a Brandon Heath and Big Daddy Weave concert. I decided to check out the Brandon table where merchandise was being sold.

I was checking out the t-shirts and I noticed two men standing to my left almost behind the table. One of them was Brandon Heath! I thought I was seeing things so I stepped a little closer and shyly waved. I figured he was hoping not to be recognized but maybe I was mistaken.

He said, “Hi, how are you? Thanks for coming.” I congratulated  him on recently becoming a dad; he got his phone from his pocket and showed me a picture of his baby. I told him she was beautiful.

I then asked if he was going to be available for pictures later. He said, “no.”

Oh no, I thought.

I explained that I was hoping for a picture with him because my birthday was tomorrow and I bought this purple bow for him to don and thought it would be a fun picture.

He thought for a bit, perhaps on how to get rid of me, but he was very kind and said if I waited for him to the left of the stage when intermission began, I could get a picture!

I said thanks and went back to sit down.

I was really, really excited to tell Christine about this encounter.


I’m convinced that God put this together. We thought we had VIP tickets that would have included a photo op, but shortly after we left home, we discovered we did not.  It was quite ironic that at that point Christine even said, “Well, we’ll see how it plays out. God always seems to bless us and work things out for us.”

We were hoping for some kind of miracle that we’d be able to get pictures and God blessed us with this awesome encounter!


A very gracious Brandon Heath donning the bow for Mary Jo’s birthday!


We are always so thankful for the gracious acts of kindness that the artists extend to their fans.  They go out of their way and always make us feel important and loved.


God takes care of us. Sometimes it’s hard to have faith in that. Even if we didn’t get pictures, it would have been okay but for things to work out the way they did is truly God at work! God is our loving Father who wants only the best for us..we need to trust Him with everything!




This past week we attended an open house for my youngest son of an opportunity for him for next year at school. It seems like a perfect program to help him grow in confidence as a person, academically and to help prepare him for the collegiate world.  My son really wants to get into this healthcare related program as he would be able to explore and gain exposure to many career opportunities in the healthcare field. This program is very competitive~~there are only 28 slots available for all the school districts in our area.  Last year there were 75 applicants.

That night I just felt an urgency to email some people asking for their prayerful support that my son would be allotted one of the spots in the program. After I sent the email, I went to read a psalm since I was reading a psalm a day. I turned the page in my Bible when my eyes landed on Psalm 20:4,

“May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”  (NIV)



It sure felt like a reassurance from the Lord~~and I felt strongly that I was giving my son and the situation to the Lord.  My son is His child and God provides for His children.  Time will tell for sure but in the meantime I am standing on the promise of that verse.




This week, may the Lord open our eyes and enlighten our hearts even more to see…


…Him working in the little things in our lives

…God can be trusted in everything

…God is in control of every detail

…God is capable of dealing with the big storms in our lives

…We can choose faith over fear

…God provides peace.


But I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.”  –Psalm 31:14 (NIV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

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