Four simple words that a lady I was talking with this past weekend repeated from something I had just said.


I loved the thought she shared that made the light turn on in my head to enlighten me and see another parallel.


I attended another concert/fundraiser a few hours from home once again seeing the ripple effect of God at work.  One of the artists at the concert was an indie Christian artist that I have come to know more and listen to over the last six months I would say.  Being a free concert was an added bonus!  Since I am always up for inspiring music and an adventure off I went.  I ended up going myself this time as my friend couldn’t go at the last minute.


Dave Pettigrew Band


Dave Pettigrew and me


Much to my surprise I arrived an hour ahead which is our typical time and was actually the first one in the church!  So, of course I got the best seat in the house!  After reserving my seat, I walked out into the lobby and went to the table for the fundraiser.


I had looked online ahead of time and knew I wanted to help support the organization called Faith House, which once open, will be “a hope and haven for young, single mothers and their babies.”  They will provide housing for four women offering life skills, spiritual direction, education and overall mentoring for them for a year or two after they have their baby. How I wish this organization was closer to me; I sure would love to help out there!  Maybe some day they will expand to near me!




As I was talking with the one lady from Faith House I felt I should share my website with her.  Handing her my website card, I added that I write about “God in the ordinary.”

That phrase clicked with her and she mentioned that it was just like back in Jesus’ day.

The Jews were looking for a King thinking He would come with great fanfare.
Instead, God chose to send Jesus, His Son, yet an ordinary man, to this earth.
The Jews were not looking for God in the ordinary yet that is how God, the Father, worked out His plan of redemption!




Looking for God to appear with fanfare, thinking He will send us a lightning bolt to get our attention?




Maybe that is how He really wants to get our attention so we know He is always with us; working in and through us!



This week I encourage you to look for God in the ordinary everyday little details in your life!


Maybe God’s Presence will be found…

…in a hug from your toddler
…in an unexpected visit from a friend or family member
…in the text saying you are being lifted in prayer
…in seeing the rain gently fall
…in talking with a person who helped you see something differently
…in knowing you helped support a worthy cause
…in seeing your child achieve another milestone in their life.


This week is another opportunity for you to help me finish this post!  Yes, after reading these thoughts, can you pause for a few minutes, maybe close your eyes and think of one way this past week when you saw God in the ordinary in your life?


Please leave your way in the comment section below.


Okay…I will even start for you~

One way I saw God in the ordinary was through hearing at least two times in two days a Third Day song on the Christian radio station just as I was approaching my destination.  You might recall they are my all time favorite Christian band and whenever I hear them at just the perfect time, it makes me smile at God for being present to me in the ordinary!

I look forward to reading how you have seen God in the ordinary this past week!  God bless~


So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God.  –Romans 12:1  (MSG)


Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

7 thoughts on “GOD IN THE ORDINARY”

  1. God in the ordinary.

    So much to say on the topic. This is where we find God, experience God and fall deeper in love with God. The ordinary, I believe, is where God truly exists. This is where we see His heart. In the eyes of the child preparing for finals in high school. In the heart of an addict trying to overcome their addiction. In the soul of the single mom trying her best to make a way for her child. God is in all of it and sets the example for us all.

    Thanks for writing on this. That night I saw God in so may different places and faces. In the eyes of a woman who told me she was 115 days sober and counting. Her resilience to beat her addictions was inspiring. God continued to work through her in the ordinary days of her life and her desire to get to day 116 was an inspiration.

    Agreed. Let’s look for God in the ordinary and see Him work in ways that we never thought imaginable.

    1. Thanks, Dave, so much for taking time to read and for your sharing; that really is a blessing to me! You are so right that in the ordinary is where we find, experience and fall deeper in love with God and I think see how much we are loved and mean to Him! Wow…what a powerful story; thank you for sharing it. And, yes, I like that, God is working through her in the ordinary days of her life helping her get through one day at a time. So much good truth to reflect on! Blessings to you and your ministry especially as you gear up for your busy days ahead….keep seeing Him in the ordinary too.

      1. Only with God’s perfect timing of day, weather (light rain), and direction of my walk today I saw God in the ordinary face of a 93 yr old woman, who, because of difficulty walking each day goes to her mailbox at the end of her driveway via her car. As our path’s crossed she asked me to go get a package at her doorstep because she couldn’t open the door from the inside and get it because of its placement. I was glad to assist her and as I was carrying the package to her at the car near the mailbox thought to ask her if I should put it inside the garage near her inside door. She said that would be lovely. I marvel at God’s perfect timing in our lives even with something as ordinary as a walk at the perfect time to see Him in her face!

  2. Greetings. My name is Christopher. It’s so ironic how God works in the simplest of ways and yet, I have the tendency to overanalyze and even intellectualize everything. We met about a month ago at a Jaci Velasquez concert. That had to be a “God in the ordinary” moment for sure. Quite a few things ended up being confirmed which actually not only got my attention, but made me laugh because God really does have a sense of humor. And I know without question that God definitely orchestrated that moment. God also has a way of confirming things and this night was no different. It’s definitely one of my more memorable moments that made me like “wowed” at how amazing God really is. I truly am blessed that you chose to give a total stranger your card. Thanks for that. Wow. The Lord has truly blessed you as an eloquent writer!!! Perhaps there’s a book in store for you? I’m sure you have a notebook or a few notebooks chock full of things the Lord has given you, lol! And God gave you an editor too?! Whoa! Now that certainly indicates that God has something much bigger for you to write. Maybe you could write a book about “God in the ordinary”, because creation alone is enough to gather stories from and you could include your own personal testimonies about how God just showed up and showed off in the most amazing ways! Glory be unto Him! I think some valuable lessons for myself would be to stop trying to overanalyze and intellectualize everything, because being stuck in the way I think doesn’t allow for me to truly appreciate God’s elegant, yet beautiful plan. I’m talking about getting stuck looking at the situation/circumstance and forgetting that the God of the universe wants me to fix my eyes not on what is seen, but rather to look past what’s in front of me in the moment. Even in the ordinary challenges of this life that sometimes come my way, God is ultimately attempting to direct my focus past what I see and past what I feel in the moment things might be a bit unsettling. I think of Peter when the boat was on the water and Jesus was walking on the water. Peter said to Jesus: “If that is you Lord, tell me to come to you.”And Jesus said: ‘Come.’ But, the moment Peter took his eyes off of Christ, He began to sink and immediately he cried out to Jesus. I’m paraphrasing a bit here, but the point is that I can relate to Peter in that I get my eyes off of Christ and look at my surroundings. The one truth that can be implied here is that I must not allow my circumstance to affect my stance. For my stance can be secure upon the rock who is Christ. There’s easily another scripture that can be inserted here; the wise man who built his house upon the rock. Lol! Anyway, I got a bit carried away writing to you. Hopefully this ministers to you in the very same way that God has used you to be a minister to many others. May the Lord bless you and keep you steadfast and secure in Him.

    1. Wow, Christopher, thank you so much for sharing that!! Yes, I certainly remember you and know that was Divine orchestration too!

      I will say as I read your comment, I got chills!! You’re probably the 4th person that has mentioned me writing a book…. Something I’ve never considered before! I guess we shall see where the Lord leads.

      The other God thing was that the Peter story has been on my mind to write about!! I guess I better follow God’s lead so I just started penning those thoughts while on a retreat after finishing the current week thoughts.

      God makes me laugh out loud as well.. In all those simple, ordinary ways that He reveals Himself. I pray you continue to see Him! Keep running the race with Him. 😇

      1. Glory be to God and praise belongs to Him indeed! Wow and wow again! God truly does reveal Himself in the most mysterious and also simple ways! Not too long after I got done reading your comment the Lord gave me something about His confirming things in our lives. It’s quite interesting and I feel compelled to share this with you. The 3 things that God always does when He confirms things in our lives ALL draw us to Himself. First, He is wanting our attention and our focus to be upon Him. Second, He desires the affections of our heart, as in He desires us to love Him above all else. Thirdly, He is pointing us in the direction of the path that He is leading for our footsteps to tread. Basically, He is already indicating His thoughts for you and His ways for you. You said you never thought of it, however, it was God and is God who has brought this idea to you. His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. (Isaiah 55:8-9) If you read that entire verse, you will see that God’s word never ever returns to Him void. HE ALWAYS CONFIRMS HIS WORD! And His Word has designed a purpose and a plan for you that is not your own, but rather, His plan and His purpose to draw not only yourself closer to Himself, but also others as well.

        On a personal note, God always confirms things in 3’s in my life. And just because He can, He continues to reaffirm, reassure and reconfirm those things. It goes back to the 3 things mentioned earlier. He desires my attention, my affection and my direction to ALL be in complete alignment with His Will for my life. In this same respect, He wants my life to reflect this very truth, so that it shows others where to place their focus and their trust and it helps point them to the one who will direct their paths accordingly. (On a side note: I don’t always get it right. But thanks be to God for His grace, mercy and unconditional love. Because, without Him, I cannot do anything.) He never gave up on me, even when I was a sheep, who went astray, my own way. He never cast me aside, even in my selfish pride. He has shown me grace, throughout my days. Amen. It’s because of Him I am saved and He deserves all of the praise!

        Keep paying attention and giving Him your affection (like I know you already are) and be diligent in pursuit of the direction He has for you. He is ordering your steps. Just walk as He would have you walk. For your every step toward Him draws you closer to His hearts desire to manifest and spring up like living water in your life. Be blessed by the Best who gives you His peaceful rest.

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