Let’s start with an interactive post this week that was inspired through an insightful saying I heard at a recent retreat.


First though, I am wondering if you have a life saver or hard candy handy?   If so, how about you go get it.

Before you do anything with that life saver or hard candy though, let me ask you a question.



When you have a life saver or some other hard candy, are you the type of person that will savor it for just a few minutes before you end up biting it and then chewing it right up?

Or, do you truly take that life saver and savor life with it?

Interesting to think about, isn’t it?


If you are in the first category of savoring the life saver for only a few minutes before chewing it up, is that how you handle life day by day?  Do you rush through each day marking things off your to do list, not really savoring each moment?

Or are you the type that does take life, one step at a time, no matter what, savoring the moment?


Do you, like me, need a little reminder to slow down and SAVOR LIFE?


Through the years, I think I have improved ever so slightly in this respect maybe because of getting to the stage of having adult children so there is less constant responsibility in caring for them and their needs.

There is still much room for improvement especially as I am more of a planner trying to make sure everything gets done timely, with the best possible outcome and as successfully as possible.

Rest assured these thoughts this week are meant for me, as well as hopefully encouraging you, too, to focus on the theme of “SAVOR LIFE.”

Okay…I guess you can go ahead now and try to SAVOR LIFE with your life saver as you read the rest of these thoughts!




There is great truth in the saying that “we are never promised tomorrow.”  We never know when something catastrophic will happen so it is so important to SAVOR LIFE.

This point was driven home to me a little this week for two reasons.  One was in attending an unexpected funeral for a young man who was the brother of a good friend of my youngest son, one of my “adopted sons.” His young life was cut short by an accident.

The other was because my daughter, away at grad school, finally came home, for the first time in over six months.  Trying to savor each moment, even with just listening to her talk, seems fitting for the short amount of time she will be home.  Just being; not necessarily doing.


How often do we take even little things for granted as we are rushing around trying to balance everything in this life?

Yes, there is work, the kids, church, sports, extra curricular activities, family to visit and God time.



What are some ways we can SAVOR LIFE?


–When you see the people around you, think about how they are God’s creation too….how much God loves them; that He died for them.  Treat them with respect, say a silent prayer for them asking God to bless them.

–In whatever situation you are in, look for ways to be Christ’s hands and feet to others…to shine His Light.  It can be as simple as waiting to hold the door open for someone further behind you, picking up something that someone dropped, offering a smile and friendly “hello” to someone walking by.

–When you are running around, observe the beauty of creation that is all around you….the hills, valleys, trees, flowers, bodies of water, sky, sunrises/sunsets, a butterfly trying to land on a bush. Thank the Lord for His radiant display of His handiwork.




–Take time to really listen to the person you are talking with….let them explain themselves without you interrupting them or pushing your views on them.  Just be there for them, accepting their thoughts and feelings even if you don’t necessarily agree.  Your presence can be a blessing for them helping them to SAVOR LIFE.

–Keep trying to focus on the current activity you are engaged in….not thinking about the third thing you need to do.  Instead of always looking forward to an event a month or two down the road, ask God to help you maintain focus and SAVOR LIFE one step at a time.


Since this is still an interactive post, can you identify any specific ways you savor life that might encourage us in our walk?  Please feel free to add them in the comment section below. I would love to hear your ways too!


May your goal this week be to…

Be present in the current moment you are living!



Photo courtesy of Ross Elliott under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0); words added by
And each time you have a life saver, may it be another reminder to you to SAVOR LIFE a little more!


Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!  –Psalm 34:8 (NLT)

None of us know when we might fall victim to a sudden disaster and find ourselves like fish in a net or birds in a trap.   –Ecclesiastes 9:12  (CEV)

Make your light shine, so others will see the good you do and will praise your Father in heaven.   –Matthew 5:16  (CEV)


Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

2 thoughts on “SAVOR LIFE”

  1. Ha. As I was reading your blog I Guess I don’t savor candy very much. I will usually just chew it very quickly with my teeth, Which really isn’t good to do since I need new dental implants…😜 Maybe today when I’m walking my dog down my street I’ll pay more attention to God’s nature instead of the neighbors barking dogs. There’s plenty of wild flowers to enjoy plus butterflies.

    1. Thanks so much for reading and sharing, Carm! I find it is hard to resist that urge to not chew that candy quickly! 😉 That is a perfect thought to focus on God’s nature on your walk today rather than those barking dogs (as long as they stay away!)…I hope it will become a new trend for you! Blessings to you~

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