“We do not meet people by accident. 
God places these people in our lives for a reason.”
“Even if our time with someone expires, our prayers do not.”
“Some people come into your life and challenge you and change you for the better. These are the people who you will always remember.”


Three quotes that I saw this past week that I think have great truth; worthy of taking a few minutes to reflect upon this week.



My heart is bubbling over in excitement in realizing that this post, post #248, marks the fifth anniversary of! 

Never in my wildest dreams five years ago did I imagine that I would be writing weekly, even having a website, “highlighting God’s Presence to Inspire Your Life!” 

I am truly so thankful to the Lord for putting those people in my path to inspire and encourage me to embark on this adventure! 

More importantly, I thank the Lord for providing the inspiration, week by week, seeing Him, listening to His still, small voice leading me to share my heart with you.  This site is really about helping me process my faith, helping me grow closer to Him and grow in understanding.  I always say if one post can help one person see something differently or grow in their relationship with God, His will is being accomplished and I am thankful.  

Many thanks to one and all for faithfully reading and sharing your comments to help me see something outside the box.  Your love and support through the years are so appreciated!


I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.  –Psalm 9:1  (NLT)

I thank my God for you every time I think of you;  and every time I pray for you all, I pray with joy because of the way in which you have helped me in the work of the gospel from the very first day until now.   –Philippians 1:3-5  (GNT)


As I mention in the “About” section of this website,  hearing the Christian band, Third Day, six years ago began the ripple effect of events, people and circumstances that God used to ignite the “fire in my bones” of expressing my thoughts of God in the ordinary with this website.

Thinking about the three quotes that started these current thoughts I can’t help but think of the validity of the statements.   It is interesting to reflect that Third Day is no longer an official band, and people that God used to inspire and encourage me to start this site are no longer doing those same things so not directly involved in my life anymore.


I am so thankful to the Lord for bringing these people into my life for this reason…to touch my heart and inspire me to search my heart and share Christ with others through penning thoughts.

I can say for sure though that these groups of people will always be near and dear to my heart. 

And, that my prayers of thanksgiving and praying that they are all well continue to this day. 

Yes, they have definitely challenged me, in my faith and abilities, to do  more than I ever thought possible, changing me for the better!!  They pointed me more and more to God.




As I think of the many people God has blessed my life with during these five years, I am in awe and so very thankful!  An editor and others who have walked with me to encourage me from the beginning stages, blogger care groups that helped challenge me, read and shared my posts, people that I have never met in person but are always there with some encouragment from the Lord and willing to pray whenever there is a need….what wonderful blessings from above you all are!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart~



Do you notice daily those people God may put in your path that come into your life….maybe a simple interaction that ends up blessing you in some way?

I was aware of this this past week in my life in a few ways….

Often social media can be seen in a negative light but I know my life has been blessed in a positive way through it.  There are people that post encouraging, uplighting things which bless my life; things that help me think outside the box and keep my mind more on the positive, Godly things. God even uses their posts to confirm in my mind thoughts that are running around in my head to pen.


Recently, through more of those “God incidents” I met two people that have blessed my life.  One was at a Christian concert where my friend and I “randomly” sat next to this gentleman. Before the concert began we started conversing and come to find out he is a “writer” too. I ended up giving him a card about my website.  It was quite interesting that a few of the things we were talking about before the concert were then confirmed during the concert as the singers were sharing.  We both noticed it immediately; God at work making us smile.  Come to find out, this gentleman’s faith has been inspiring to read about as he comments on some of my weekly thoughts providing me with great feedback as well as encouraging me in my writing.

The other was a lady that sat at my table for the last meal we shared at a retreat.  We did not even really end up talking to each other at the retreat but she asked for a card when she heard I had a website.  She is actually the only person that has ever ended up emailing me from my website.  My life has been blessed getting to know her, things she has been through in her life and sharing our love of the Lord and experiences in our lives.


As I try to walk throughout the neighborhood, weather permitting, God’s perfect timing always amazes me and makes me thankful.  This past week, it was perfect timing that I ran into a neighbor that I used to actually know from church back when I was growing up in my home church.  She now lives kitty corner to us.  In the 20 some years we have lived here it is actually very rare that we run into each other!

This particular day she was just arriving home and got out of her car to get her mail as I was walking near her house. She was very kind and took a few minutes to ask me about things and about my family inquiring what my children were up to.  Much to my surprise, with no prompting from me, she said she would be praying especially for one of my children.  I was really touched by that.  A stranger feeling led to pray for someone she doesn’t even know!

After my encounter with this lady that day, I thought, oh, I didn’t think about sharing my website with her.  So I made a note to remind myself to write her a quick thank you note for offering to pray for my family and give her my website info.  A few days later as I was walking I thought to myself, it was time to write that note.  It was early afternoon so I thought (God’s still small voice) after finishing that day’s walk, I would go write the note and go stick it in her mailbox.

I proceeded to do that but noticed her mailbox was empty so I decided to just go stick the card between her front doors.  Much to my surprise, as I walked up the stairs, there she is sitting on the far end of the porch, whose view is hidden by trees, reading a book.  We actually caught each other by surprise and thankfully neither of us screamed in surprise of each other!  🙂

It was a blessed encounter as we chatted more about God and sharing things in our lives.  A simple, God ordained moment that blessed me once again.



This week, I have another request for you….Can you share, in the comment section below, the answer to one or more of the following questions?  It is truly a blessing to hear from you, my dear readers!



The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.  –Psalm 37:23  (NLT)

Do all this in prayer, asking for God’s help. Pray on every occasion, as the Spirit leads. For this reason keep alert and never give up; pray always for all God’s people.   –Ephesians 8:18  (GNT)

Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good.   Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more, since you see that the Day of the Lord is coming nearer.   –Hebrews 10:24-25  (GNT)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

8 thoughts on “THE BLESSING OF PEOPLE”

  1. Wow. 248 posts? Amazing. You are such a blessing to so many in so many ways. Thank you for being such a special friend. May God continue to Bless you.

    1. Wow…and Amazing…My thoughts exactly! Thank you for reading,the encouragement you always provide for me and the gift of your friendship, Sandy! I am so overwhelmed with blessings~

  2. First of all Congratulations Christine!!! It is truly a beautiful achievement and blessed by God.
    To answer your first question, there is no doubt that the person in my life who has blessed me the most and always been there for me in faith and in love, has been my husband. A spouse shares everything you do in some way. If he supports you, lifts you up, cares for you and encourgages you, then we are blessed. I thank God for my husband and the 54 years we have shared.

    1. Thank you so much for helping me finish this post, Helen, and for celebrating with me with your encouraging words. Yes, what a wonderful blessing the martial relationship is~~a God ordained meeting for sure. Many congrats on 54 years! May God continue to bless you both; keep sharing His light with each other and all you meet! Blessings~

  3. Christine, A very happy anniversary to you! Wow. I’m rather taken by surprise after reading this post, but in a very much honored and blessed way. God blessed us, so that we can in turn be a blessing to others. Talk about God’s perfect timing! Encouragement exactly in the moment of necessity. Wow. It’s ironic that you mention the story (we both know which one) where God was really showing Himself. We were talking about distractions and how God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways. The fact that I actually remember that specific moment in time is also proof that God doesn’t want me to forget it. And just because He can, He confirmed things with a resounding oomph. Lol.

    So, it’s interesting that you brought this topic up, because I really must admit that your writings are most definitely inspired by Him. It’s pretty evident that you do spend a lot of time in His word. And without question, He’s definitely speaking to you; matter of fact, He’s speaking through you. Now there’s some great things to give thanks to God for. Anyway, on my end, I’ve had two “chance” encounters which had to have been divinely orchestrated. While both of them were rather brief, it’s absolutely obvious that God is at the center of these “divine appointments”. That’s a true thing too! Lol! Simply love how God just surprises us so unexpectedly and leaves me personally in awe and even much more humbled. How gracious and loving our heavenly Father is. He really does give us good gifts.

    I know the bible has tons of reference points for His perfect timing. And there’s definitely a bunch of things to write about regarding that, lol!!! So, it appears like you already have plenty of material for a book…248 posts/pages worth, Lol! And based on what He’s already spoken to you, it certainly looks as if He’s not going to be done any time soon. What an amazing Father we serve!!! He just keeps blowing my mind in ways I never imagined. Thank you so very much for your kindness and encouragement filled words. They truly mean a lot more to me than you realize and have blessed me very dearly. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you; May He make His face to shine upon you and May He draw you deeper into the Holy of Holies where you see His face and an outpouring of His immeasurable love and grace into your life as well as into the lives of others. Shalom.

    1. Thank you, Christopher, for more words of encouragement and blessing for me this week! Yes, it is so true that God’s blessings that he freely gives us are meant to be shared and to help edify others, the Body of Christ. What an extra blessing to know that God met you in your moment of need! Yes, He truly is so good like that and I can’t help but share Him! God’s richest blessings to you this day and always~

  4. Hello Christine, My brother encouraged me to check out your website. I do not think it was by chance that I was drawn to this blog first and as I scrolled down and read about you meeting my brother. Even without being named, I knew who you were referring to 🙂 Glad to know that he has blessed your life as I know he has been blessed by yours. Continue to write from the still small voice that speaks to you. Sending much peace and love… ~Teresa

    1. Hello, Teresa, and welcome!! Wow~~God continues to amaze me and bless me with the ripple effect of His goodness! His perfect timing of everything in our lives is so comforting and is sure increasing my faith and trust even more in Him. I am so thankful you took time to share that God incident with me; yes, life is so full of them and it is so exciting to see.:) Thank you so much for the encouragement too. Feel free to stop by and read more thoughts anytime! Blessings to you~

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