My friend and I, being at the beach recently and walking along the shore, couldn’t help but be reminded of the “Footprints in the Sand” poem that I believe we are all familiar with.

That writing reminds us how God is always with us even carrying us especially during the rough, tougher times in our lives.



Do you, too, need a reminder this week, maybe with a few visuals, to remind you that God is right there walking alongside you each and every day?


We were trying to think a little outside the box of different scenarios that expanded maybe a little on the original thoughts of the Footprints in the Sand.  It was fun trying to take pictures to help visualize the concepts we were thinking.  Yes, much thought and laughs were had especially when we ended up being photo bombed with dog prints just as we went to get some pictures!  🙂



The sand at the Wildwood, NJ beach we were at was very soft and pretty smooth.  It was nice watching the tractors comb the sand making it rougher in appearance yet still soft to the feet.







Here are a few things to help you reflect upon this week…



As we walk each day, God is walking right alongside us though we don’t physically see Him.  His footprints are still there even when we turn our back on Him.

Yes, He is our Good Father who is still walking with us letting us exercise our free will.


Photo bombed by the dog prints on the far left.  😉


As we are walking alongside God each day, sometimes we stumble and fall.

What does God do?

He gently picks us up, brushes off the sand and dirt, and carries us the rest of the way!




During the smooth sailing days, God is walking beside us and when the path gets rough…

He scoops us up and carries us through, one step at a time.




This week try to be more aware of God alongside you and with you, gathering you in His loving arms when the going gets rough.


He loves you so very much and cares deeply for you, yes, the one reading these words! 

Embrace His outstretched arms!


And you saw how the Lord your God cared for you all along the way as you traveled through the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child. Now he has brought you to this place.   –Deuteronomy 1:31  (NLT)

He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.  –Isaiah 40:11  (NLT)

I will still be the same when you are old and gray, and I will take care of you. I created you. I will carry you and always keep you safe.  –Isaiah 46:4  (CEV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

4 thoughts on “FOOTPRINTS”

  1. I like your post especially the Isaiah 46:4 (CEV)…for some reason in reading it over, it started to bring a tear to my eyes…I’m always rushing here and there to run errands, etc. or trying to always keep the house and yard tidy and clean–that includes changing the cat litter. I don’t have all the energy like I used to… I need to slow down and take some deep breaths…Relax and not take things too seriously…. The part of the Bible saying where it states God keeps me safe makes me feel less anxious and secure. Sure I have choices, but he is in control. He wants what is best for me – to be happy, healthy, and have peace of mind… Anyway, that’s what I felt from your blog.

    1. What a blessing to read your thoughts, Carm! It is great to see how God spoke to your heart through that Bible verse too. I find the different translations interesting with their little differences in words. Yes, God does want what is best for us, His dear children; I am often guilty of needing to slow down and soak up His Presence too. Continued blessings to you! 🙂

  2. The footsteps that continually walk right beside us are Christ who pours His love inside of us.

    How appropriate that He would give this to me after reflecting upon how HE IS ALWAYS THERE, no matter what it looks like it even what it feels like in the moment. It’s ironically interesting how God gives us loving reminders that He has never left us, nor forsaken us. This is not as easy to see or feel when it looks or seems as if we are walking through certain scenarios by ourselves. Thank God He has a way of stepping in and reassuring us that He’s still right there.

    As I mused over this post, I was brought back to a moment in my childhood where I could picture this particular “FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND” poem in a frame on the wall. I am not really sure I ever really understood this poem as a child. But, let me tell you that I REALLY GET IT NOW. He really has been there every step of the way and there’s been so very many moments where He definitely had to have carried me.

    The fact that I came to the other side of His grace in various scenarios is a testimony in itself that He’s been watching over me. There’s a poem I’d like to share which He gave to me:
    You carry me
    Through the crashing seas
    You lead me
    With peace and safety
    I will trust in you alone
    For You guide me through the storms
    You help me brave
    Whatever comes my way
    You are the FOOTPRINTS along life’s shores

    Just thought this might be of a blessing to someone else. Any way, I genuinely appreciate the insights He gave you on this post. Gentle and very much needed reminders that God is with us in every season of life. The waves of can be crashing on these life’s shores, but my every step is with Christ Jesus my Lord! Thank Him for sure! I definitely needed this reminder, so thanks for posting this. May He be those hands to carry you when it seems you lack the strength and may He continue to pour out His love to you which has no length. Many blessings be with you. Shalom.

    1. God sure makes me smile with thankfulness for His perfect timing, Christopher!! Thank you so much for sharing that childhood memory and how you have grown to undertand and see how He is always right beside you! What a beautiful poem He inspired you to share; I am honored and humbled that you shared it here. Thank you so much for being such a faithful reader, sharer, and encourager! Blessings to you~~Keep loving, serving and sharing Him with all! 🙂

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