Reading a book entitled “Praying for Strangers” that a friend gave me for my birthday recently and attending a luncheon that included a talk on “Live a Life of Kindness” are inspiration for these thoughts this week.   I won’t mention that the luncheon was really a “seniors” luncheon because we all know I’m only 23; they were kind and made an exception for me!  😉

Both events were blessings in my life which I feel are wonderful ways to live our lives on this earth day by day.

We can all make this world a better place for at least one person every day by living a life of kindness; sharing the light of Christ, that is within us, with others


Take a few moments to really ponder this quote that the speaker mentioned:




If we look at life with that perspective does it change the way you live, treat and even view every person that you see?

What if, while we are out shopping, walking in the neighborhood, working, exercising at the gym, going to a get together, we thought about how special each and every person is to God?

God’s love for each person is the same!  Isn’t that a perfect reason to be kind to everyone?


With that quote fresh in your mind, let me ask you….




Living a life of kindness has more to do with our attitude; the attitude of our heart and soul and then taking action.
A heart open to the Lord…a focus on sharing the Christ that is in us, with others, as we go about life even in the ordinary mundane of life.


I do believe it is possible to live a life of kindness….each and every moment of every day.  Yes, sometimes we may fail but the more we practice it, the more natural it will be.

Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.  –James 4:10  (NIV)    


First, let’s define the word kindness.
The online cambridge dictionary defines kindness as:
the quality of being generoushelpful, and caring about other people, or an act showing this quality


Generous with your time, talent, treasure

Being open to share the gifts God has given you…

–taking just a few minutes to visit a shut-in

–sharing what gift you have; maybe mowing someone’s lawn who can’t do it themselves or repay you

–sharing a few dollars with the homeless person you see


–Seeing someone drop a loaf of bread; simply picking it up for them and smiling at them

–Opening the door for someone who has their hands full


–Taking that extra minute or two to ask someone how they are; really listening, trying to understand them

–Telling someone, with sincerity, to have a nice day




It was a God moment, when this year in the mail, I received the book Praying for Strangers by River Jordan from a friend.  It was the same friend who actually mentioned the book to me in a comment of one of my very first posts, entitled, Praying for Others.  You can take a moment and read it if you like but make sure you return here to finish reading this post!  I never took time to check out the book then but five years later it appeared in my mailbox!




I would highly recommend the book as it is an easy, fun read with short chapters each describing stories of people, strangers to the author, she felt inclined to pray for.  One year River decided to start praying for a stranger each day, who the Lord prompted her to pray for. Though an introvert and writer, she daily would go out of her comfort zone following the Lord’s prompting to share “kindness”  through caring and praying for another.

What I found most fascinating about doing this is how often a simple extending “I will be praying for you today” ended up in a two minute exchange of her learning a little of someone else’s “story.”




This became reality in my life right after finishing the book. I was at a retreat where I did not know anyone when a lady I was standing next to mentioned how she liked the shirt I was wearing.   She said “Yes, there is always hope.”


The shirt I was wearing that the “stranger” commented on


In our exchange I learned that her daughter committed suicide a few years ago.  I ended up asking her name and telling her I would be praying for her and the family as she said the same for me.  I took her as the first “stranger” I am praying for.  We just never know what others are going through or what their life as been like.


 We can shower their life with kindness knowing we care about their story though.




The talk at the luncheon was given by a gentleman named Chet, who is better known as the “Bread Man.”  He is now a retired educator, who for almost 20 years, baking over 96,000 loaves, is living a life of kindness through the act of baking bread and freely distributing it to those he encounters!


Chet, aka, the Bread Man giving me my loaf of bread



Why does Chet do this?


Photo courtesy of  Marco Verch under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0); words added by


It was enlightening to listen to his story; to see how a loaf of bread, coupled with some kindness, can bless lives.


Other benefits of Chet’s bread ministry are to:

–be “community” for others–to be a part of something more than himself
–letting others know they are important especially if they share some of their story
–change the world one person, one loaf of bread, at a time
–find the goodness in people
–cultivate an attitude of gratitude in his own life
–show how kindness can change one’s perspective
–share love, the most important ingredient in the bread!


What I thought about, in Chet doing this, is how he often ends up learning a bit of someone’s story; just as the lady in the Praying for Strangers book does.


Learning a little of someone’s story, showing kindness and caring reminds me of what Jesus did when He walked this earth.

(Feel free to take a few moments and read the Bible verses below relating to the stories as noted.)

Think about the adultress woman the Pharisees brought to Jesus…(John 8:1-11)

Jesus went for dinner at Zacchaeus’ house, a chief tax collector who cheated people…(Luke 19:1-10)

Jesus touched a leper and healed him…(Luke 5:12-14)

Yes, Jesus showed kindness to all these people even with knowing each of their story. 
He gave us examples of how the power of kindness can change lives making communities where brokenness can be healed resulting in wholeness, love and joy.


This week I encourage you to remember to live a life of kindness~~

Be kind to unkind people, they need kindness the most.


“If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them…

If you see someone being ignored find a way to include them…

If someone has been knocked down, lift them up…

Always remind people of their worth…

one small act could mean the world to them.”



Be the world of kindness…

one act at a time…

affirming others value as well as yours!




Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters.  Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!  –Hebrews 13:1-2  (NLT)

But Jesus answered, “The scripture says, ‘Human beings cannot live on bread alone, but need every word that God speaks.'”  –Matthew 4:4  (GNT)

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.  –Ephesians 4:32  (NIV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

2 thoughts on “LIVING KINDNESS”

  1. Thanks. I have prayed for “strangers” before – but somehow it seems that when you pray for a stranger the act of praying sort of causes a stranger to become, at least, an acquaintance – if not a friend.

    1. That is awesome, Sandy! Yes, I think you are right. When we pray for even a “stranger” there is a connection that is made. Thanks for faithfully reading and taking time to share. Blessings~

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