The name “1Act” was really the name of a short video from Compassion International, a child sponsorship program, that was shared at a recent Christian artist concert of Dave Pettigrew & Unspoken that I attended.


Dave Pettigrew, musician and promoter bringing music to the NE



On the two and a half hour ride home I was reflecting on the truth of how “1 Act” can make a world of difference in all of our lives.

That was exactly the message Chad, the lead singer of the band Unspoken, was making as he started this segment off by sharing some of his testimony; his personal story.  You see 16 years ago he was not in a good place in his life but felt God calling him to go on a Missions trip to the Dominican Republic though he had no money.  An acquaintance of his did “1 Act” and said he would pay for Chad’s plane ticket so he could go!

That 1 Act led to Chad coming to know God in a personal, relational way that changed the trajectory of his life!  It was exactly what he needed to truly surrender his life to God.


Chad from Unspoken




At these Christian concerts I am always so blessed and inspired to see the genuine kindness and character the artists display through their interactions.  Especially at smaller venues often the artists will offer a VIP experience where they will hold a Q & A session at which point you can get to know them better by asking different questions.  It is always enjoyable to learn some of the artist’s or band’s history, what inspires them, how ideas come to them.  Sometimes photos with the artists are included in the VIP or they can be seen at their merchandise tables; sometimes if you wait around long enough after the concert they might come out.


The Q & A with three Unspoken band members & Dave Pettigrew


As a fan of Christian music, I find it so special that they are so often willing to bless their fans showing how they are humble and appreciate their fans and their support.  My life has certainly been made richer in meeting and sometimes talking to these people on a more personal level.


I was so appreciative, when seeing the individual guys from the Unspoken band packing up the set and at the Compassion International table, they were so kind to let me get a picture with them as we exchanged a few words. It always makes me feel “special” when an artist takes time to interact with me, who is really a nobody to them.  Their acts of kindness remind me of what Jesus would do if I met Him after a concert or service.


Jon from Unspoken

The funny Ariel from Unspoken


This particular night, after the concert, I witnessed two “1 Acts” from the Unspoken band members that touched my heart. 

As the keyboardist was helping tear down the merchandise table, he noticed a young boy, maybe about 8 years old and must have learned that it was his birthday.  He asked the boy if he wanted something.  As the boy shook his head yes, the boy’s eyes lit up when he was handed a hat, which was like the one the band member was wearing, as a birthday present to him.

I am sure that boy’s night was made and that he will not soon forget the “1 act” kindness that he was shown especially everytime he wears the hat.



Chad took time to go over to a boy who, I am guessing was maybe 10 years old and autistic.  Chad was so kind, talking and joking with the boy trying to guess his name though the boy would not look at him.  His mom was able to get a picture of the two of them despite the fact that the boy was looking down at the floor.  As soon as they took the picture the boy looked up and walked out the door.  I heard the mother ask the boy if he was happy and he said, “yes.”  I was smiling as I watched this tender interaction.

What a wonderful “1 Act” that I am sure that boy and his mother will not forget either!  I bet the boy feels very special knowing this artist took time to come and talk with him showing he is loved.


Unspoken, minus 1 band member


This week I encourage you to try to keep forefront in your mind how “1 Act” can make a difference in someone’s life.

What “1 Act” can you do to bless someone?

What will it be?

–Helping change a child’s life through sponsorship

–Giving someone money to help them get medical care

–Singing Christmas carols for a shut in

–Serving someone in love a meal of some sort

–Adopting a family during the holiday season

–Taking time to listen to someone who is weighed down with burdens

–Praying for someone you know is struggling?



As you were reading these thoughts, was there something that came to your mind of an example where you were blessed by “1 Act?”


Actually, how about you help me finish this post this week?

Please feel free to leave in the comment section below, either a way you were blessed through “1 Act” or how you blessed someone.  It is always special to hear from you, my dear reader!  I thank you in advance for your sharing~


The king will answer, “Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.”  –Matthew 25:40  (CEV)

Let us, then, always offer praise to God as our sacrifice through Jesus, which is the offering presented by lips that confess him as Lord.  Do not forget to do good and to help one another, because these are the sacrifices that please God.  –Hebrews 13:15-16  (GNT)

John told them, “If you have two coats, give one to someone who doesn’t have any. If you have food, share it with someone else.”  –Luke 3:11 (CEV)

For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.  –Philippians 2:13  (NIV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

2 thoughts on “1 ACT”

  1. Thanks again for your awesome messages. There have been so many one acts its hard to think of what to write.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Many thanks for the blessing of reading and your kind words, Sandy! Yes, life is sure made up of many “1 Acts” if we pay attention! Happiest of thanksgivings to you and your family! Be blessed~

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