Ponder the word CHRISTMAS~~

Noting especially the first 6 letters of that word~~CHRIST




This year I have seen this saying below, more than once, that I don’t recall really seeing before; one that is worth remembering this holiday season, and in reality, every day!



Yes, let’s keep Christ as the center of Christmas this year!


A friend shared another perfect reflection with me while I was penning these thoughts that ties right in:


Yes, Christ was born to us to cancel our debt!  Focus on His Presence, rather than presents, this Christmas season!



Another interesting thought that is maybe a little stretch….look again at the word



After those first 6 letters, what is left?


I recall from my Spanish lessons in high school that “mas” means “MORE” in Spanish! 😉




In thinking of this meaning of the word “Christmas” and adding “Cheer” after it, I encountered a woman the other day who epitomized the phrase, CHRISTMAS CHEER, as I reflected on my involvements of this particular day.

My day actually was a pretty “encompassing the gamut of life” day; a very special day. It made me think of the whole of life from newborn to the elderly reflecting on the sanctity of life in all of its stages that we may experience.


The day started with rising a little earlier than normal for me as those little ones in the NICU were calling out my name wanting a few snuggles to brighten their day! 😉 (Well, not exactly, but a girl can dream, right?!) It was a little shorter than my normal shift but I just couldn’t resist squeezing it in before the next event of the day.


I was then off, with a dash, to meet up with a group to go Christmas Caroling to a few shut-ins. This has become a tradition for the last 6 yrs now that is always a special, humbling experience. This year there was a group of 12 of us that ventured off to sing and bring some CHRISTMAS CHEER to five different residents which actually God used to include a few more people!




We might at first stress about the planning and execution of this event but ultimately God always works it out. The last few years we started bringing some Christmas cookie plates for the people and will end with prayer with the people after ending our carols with our traditional “We Wish you a Merry Christmas” song. An early side note is that somehow our time calculations ended up just perfect with “our” original plan despite some “extra” things you will read about. God’s perfect timing….as always!




By the end of our first stop, I was already in tears. You see, this gentleman was a deacon in our church for many, many years until he became too ill. We caroled at his house last year when his wife was still alive; she passed away less than two months later so it has been a difficult year for him losing the love of his life and with various health issues that he has experienced.

What was so touching was that even after we prayed for him, he said a prayer for all of us as well. He brought CHRISTMAS CHEER to all of us. Seeing him in declining health and missing his wife so brought some of those tears.


We had one new person to visit this year that is currently in a rehab facility as she is recovering from neck and back surgery. Much to our surprise when we got to the facility a lady in charge there mentioned there were two groups coming to carol this day. We were only expecting to sing to the lady we knew but this facility lady had other plans for us!

She asked us if we could walk around while singing which was a little more challenging for the guitar player; something we had not encountered before in our ministry. We began by going to an open area where our visitee came.

The lady in charge said we could stay there and she so quickly went around to open the different resident’s doors, telling people about the caroling, and bringing people out to listen and sing along with us. Her excitement at not wanting to leave anyone out was contagious.


At one point, she said we had to sing loud because she had a lady at the far end who was in her room but wanted to hear the music too; she even took a song packet to her.



As we started singing, a gentleman in a wheelchair came alongside us to listen, as well as two other ladies and a few people from their rooms. When we finished in that area, the lady in charge mentioned again for us to start playing and singing as we went around the next area. Again, this lady would open the doors to the rooms, even hugging one lady, holding her hand so she paraded around with us spreading more CHRISTMAS CHEER.

We ended up going to all four sections of the facility as this lady continued to spread CHRISTMAS CHEER to all of the residents in my humble opinion.

As we left the last area which was a secured area, I stopped to thank the lady for loving all those residents and taking such good care of them. That is what struck me most about our special time there.

She was a little shocked at first I think but then paused and said, “Thank you. Yes, I do love them.” I said that was very apparent.


There were blessings at each of our stops; God is so good and I think I can safely speak for all of us carolers that we end up with blessings galore in trying to brighten their holidays! They are gift to our lives.

Even at the rehab facility, in our prayer, one of the ladies who was listening (and singing along) asked us to pray for her sister who was in the hospital with a stroke. What a great ripple effect of one small act…The privilege of praying for this person and their family.

At our last stop, who are also good friends of ours, they are always so gracious, serving us some snack food and drinks. It was a lovely time allowing us time to visit with each other catching up on goings on. Christian fellowship at its finest.


Our final stop, less 4 carolers that had to leave



May these thoughts encourage you, just like that lady in charge at the facility, opening resident’s doors, involving them, loving them, sharing the Christmas spirit, to see what ways you can keep CHRIST in your CHRISTMAS and spread that CHRISTMAS CHEER to all you meet.

In fact, in the comment section below please feel free to add ways that you have done that in your life this year.  It is always a blessing to hear from you, my dear reader!


I can easily see Jesus doing that….going door to door with excitement–spreading the Good News to all! Salvation is found in Christ….Go, shout it from the mountain tops for all to hear~


And then He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.  –Mark 16:15  (NLT)

Then He sent them out to tell everyone about the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.  –Luke 9:2  (NLT)

He says, “I will declare your name to my brothers and sisters; in the assembly I will sing your praises.”  –Hebrews 2:12  (NIV)

But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength so that I might preach the Good News in its entirety for all the Gentiles to hear. And he rescued me from certain death.  –2 Timothy 4:17  (NLT)


I will take a few weeks off from writing a new post to spend special quality time with my family. Feel free to stop by and read a post anytime! I wish you and your families the happiest, most blessed holiday season….Enjoy the reason for the season….CHRIST!

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

6 thoughts on “CHRISTMAS CHEER”

  1. Thank you. I never thought that “Mas” means more in Spanish. How awesome.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Christine! Thank you for your posts! I enjoy reading them.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Have a Blessed holiday,

    1. Heartfelt thanks for faithfully reading, Lorie, and the encouragement you always offer. 🙂 Thank you….and I’m praying the same for you and your family! Hope to see you again soon~

  3. I remember singing this song years ago when I accepted Jesus into my life, and your writing reminded me of it once again. The words were: I Owed A Debt, I could not pay. He PAID A Debt, He did not owe, I needed someone, to wash my sins away. And now I Sing a Brand New song Amazing Grace, Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay. We owe Christ so much, and Yes He is the reason for the season.

    1. Those lyrics are so beautiful, great truth, Helen. Indeed, what great love He has for us to pay our debt; the debt He did not owe like those words remind us. Thank you so much for sharing them! Wishing you and your family a most blessed holiday! You & Jack are a great blessing~

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