As Christians, we know that God has given us all gifts to help build up the Kingdom of God while on this earth; ways to glorify God in our everyday lives. I have been thinking specifically about the gift of encouragement.


I penned thoughts on the topic of Our Gifts back in 2017. Click here  to read those thoughts.


We have different gifts based on the grace that was given to us. So if your gift is prophecy, use your gift in proportion to your faith. If your gift is serving, devote yourself to serving others. If it is teaching, devote yourself to teaching others. If it is encouraging, devote yourself to encouraging others. If it is sharing, share generously. If it is leading, lead enthusiastically. If it is helping, help cheerfully. –Romans 12:6-8 (ISV)

As I was reading a footnote in my Bible regarding this verse, I found it interesting that it says the word “gifts” in the first line translates from Greek to the word charismata,



Yes, WE are ALL given gifts of Grace from God to MEET the needs of the body of Christ; to build up His Kingdom while on this earth. We will be accountable for how well we used these gifts for His glory.


From this particular list of gifts of Grace, I believe the two that best describe me would be serving and encouraging others. Can you figure out what gifts God has given you?

When reading through the Bible, did you ever find a person or persons that you “connected” with? How about ones that might share your gifts of grace that God has bestowed on you?

When thinking about the gift of serving, one person I always think about that models serving is Mary, Jesus’ mother and Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus.

The ultimate person who served all of humanity was Jesus, who willingly gave His life on the cross, for you and me, my dear reader! Truly serving at its finest~~


It was a blessing to me one day to find a Biblical person I could relate to that modeled the gift of encouragement. Have you ever heard about a person whose name was changed to Barnabas, which means “Son of Encouragement?” One article I saw mentioned that an attribute of Barnabas was that…




Quite interestingly a google search for the definition of the word “encourage” is as follows:

Encourage – to inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence




*Periodically letting others know that we are praying for them, even your Pastor, Deacon, Music Minister

*Sending a heart felt note to someone that has had a great influence on your life

*Taking time to phone someone to let them know you are thinking of them; staying connected in friendship

*Sharing how someone touched your life in a positive way

*Pointing out how you see God in their actions

*Boosting someone’s self esteem with positivity

*Praying for those in need; friends, acquaintances, strangers in your life

*Sharing God’s Word to speak life into someone

*Sending a card to a shut-in

*Pointing out God moments you see in your life with someone whose actions were involved


It was one of those “God things” hearing a sermon that mentioned “encouragement” this past week bringing these thoughts of encouragement to the forefront of my thoughts. Something I had never considered before is that….


The Holy Spirit is the greatest encourager we have in this life!


The Holy Spirit is God’s Presence on this Earth.


Read these verses that Jesus speaks to His disciples, and ultimately us, when He is trying to comfort them knowing that He will soon be put to death and leaving them physically behind on this earth.

“When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father— the Spirit of Truth, who comes from the Father—he will testify on my behalf. You will testify also, because you have been with me from the beginning.” –John 15:26-27 (ISV)


And another verse:

However, I’m telling you the truth. It’s for your advantage that I’m going away, because if I don’t go away, the Helper won’t come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. –John 16:7 (ISV)


The word “helper” comes from the Greek word “parakletos”, which literally translates to “one called to the side of another.” Doesn’t that seem to be the perfect definition of encourager?


Yes, we should take great comfort that Jesus left us the Holy Spirit, the Encourager, to walk along side of us on this Earth. He did not leave us orphans to fend for ourselves!



 He is…

…that still, quiet voice that leads us to action

…the one that gives us the confirmations in things we should do

…that peace that comes when we know what path we should take

…that strength we receive when we do a new ministry we thought we could not do

…that boldness we are provided with to step out of the boat with Jesus

…the one that gives us the words to share Christ with someone that doesn’t know Him

…the one that opens the eyes of our hearts to new revelations when reading Scripture




 …see what can be done

…see how God works through us all

…see possibilities

…find ways to support others

…pray for others

…build others up; to grow in their faith

…bring hope to a dark world

…can have a lasting effect on others’ lives


Though the gift of encouragement may not be a gift you believe you possess, I believe we can all practice spreading a little encouragement–inspiring courage, spirit, confidence to at least one person each day especially during these days of social isolation.


May these thoughts inspire you to think about encouraging at least one person each day this week~~Help spread the goodness of the Holy Spirit!

You, too, can step out in faith and be an encourager.


Thus Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means Son of Encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus, sold a field that belonged to him and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.  –Acts 4:36-37  (ESV)

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.  –John 14:26  (ESV)

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.  Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. You know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.  –John 14:16-17  (ESV)

The church in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria now had a time of peace and kept on worshiping the Lord. The church became stronger, as the Holy Spirit encouraged it and helped it grow.  –Acts 9:31  (CEV)




Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

2 thoughts on “ENCOURAGEMENT”

  1. Stepping out in faith and being an encourager is all the more important now with the current virus crisis affecting our world. So many people are so afraid of the future. We need to be positive for them.

    1. What great truth, Sandy!! We all need that encouragement in our lives and I think we can all find those little ways to BE that encourager for someone daily! Thank you so much for reading and sharing. Praying that all is well with you and your family! Blessings~

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