Do you ever think the few dollars you put in the Salvation Army bucket won’t help much?

Do you ever think the little food you have in the house when unexpected company comes won’t be enough?

Do you ever think a simple act of sharing a smile with a passerby doesn’t brighten their day?



While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box.  Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins.  “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them.  For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.”  –Luke 21:1-4  (NLT)

The rich people were only willing to share a small part of the extra they had.  They were not willing to give their all to God with sincere hearts.

Jesus teaches us the value of a poor widow giving two small coins, which were worth very little monetarily. 

The widow…

…had a sincere heart that wanted to honor God in her giving.
…gave everything she had showing her trust and faith in God providing for her.



Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.  That evening the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves.”  But Jesus said, “That isn’t necessary—you feed them.”  “But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish!” they answered.  “Bring them here,” he said.  Then he told the people to sit down on the grass. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he gave the bread to the disciples, who distributed it to the people.  They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers.  About 5,000 men were fed that day, in addition to all the women and children!  –Matthew 14:14-21  (NLT)

In this passage, we see Jesus’ heart full of compassion and love.  Jesus’ compassion extended to the crowd’s physical ailments, as well as their need for food.  The disciples wanted to dismiss the crowd reasoning the people could go buy their own food.  They did not see a way to feed more than 5,000 men with only five loaves of bread and two fish. 

Jesus was able to invoke God’s spirit to bless the little food they had.  God provided enough food for the multitude of people AND had twelve baskets of leftovers. 



Here is another illustration Jesus used: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field.  It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”  –Matthew 13:31-32  (NLT)

Back in Jesus’ day, the mustard seed was the smallest seed used by farmers and gardeners. With the most favorable conditions, the tree could reach ten feet in height, providing great shade for refuge.  This illustration shows us how the Kingdom of Heaven, starting small, can spread throughout the whole world. It is a place of rest for us.  God’s power yields a rich crop.



This week may you be encouraged to…

  • …see ways you can give to others with a sincere heart.
  • …share what you have in trust and faith, knowing God will provide for you.
  • …give sacrificially.
  • …find ways to extend Jesus’ compassion and love with others
  • …see how God uses the little you have, even if just a smile.
  • …offer your life up to the Lord daily.
  • …sow the smallest of seeds in life – a compliment, holding a door open.
  • …see how the smallest of seeds you sow grow into great goodness.
  • …see how God uses the smallest of things to transform His kingdom on this earth.



  • When we share from the heart, God multiplies.
  • When we bring the little we have, God multiplies.
  • When we sow the smallest of seeds, God multiplies.



Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have.  — 2 Corinthians 8:12  (NLT)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

6 thoughts on “GOD MULTIPLIES”

  1. Amen. Beautiful teaching Christine!! Yes, we are called to “bear fruit” and to use our gifts, whether monetary or gifts of the Spirit, to give glory to God. “May I bear fruit today Oh Lord, and be what you call me to be, and love you with my whole heart and soul”.

    1. Thank you for sharing your encouraging words, and the perfect prayer, Helen. Amen and amen. I am blessed to know you and reap the good fruit from your life, Helen. God is good! Blessings to you and Jack.

      1. Lately I’ve been holding the door open for people as they either exit or enter a store or church. I know it’s not much, but the people seem to “appreciate” it. I feel happy when I do this. Yes, I know this is not likely such a “big deal” but for a few moments I make people feel “special” and at the same time I feel “special” too. …

        1. Thank you for sharing, Carm. I love your act of kindness and believe that all those little things certainly make an impact on others. We never know what someone is going through and a simple kindness like holding a door might just make them feel loved. I agree too, that doing those little things makes us feel so good. Keep spreading His light. God bless~

    2. Thank you Christine for reminding me of Gods great love and His desire to bless us beyond all measure. Our heart and motive must be Christ centered. We are told to give generously and not grudgingly.

      1. Many thanks for reading and sharing, Bruce. Indeed, you are right that our hearts must give generously and not grudgingly. Thank you for the reminder too. Blessings to you~

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