It was a beautiful sunny fall afternoon as I headed for a long-awaited weekend retreat at one of my holy places. How grateful I am for this place and the people who minister there who are family to me. After a two-year break from a weekend retreat because of the pandemic, it was extra special to be back.

Toward the end of my ride there, I started playing random songs from the 1,019 songs on the flash drive in my car. The last three songs I let play consecutively. The final song that played as I pulled into the retreat center was “Be Still.”

It has been many months since I’ve played that song! I took it as an invitation from the Lord to indeed “Be Still” and experience Him during the weekend in the quiet. I felt led to eat my meals with just the Lord and His Word in a quiet room rather than in the dining room with the others. I shared the story with the office manager when I arrived.


The sunrise over Canandaigua Lake, NY


After getting my belongings settled in my room, I went outside for the hour before the retreat officially started. I noticed the stillness of the lake water. It was so peaceful and perfectly calm. There was a fishing boat still in the water before eventually heading into shore before it got dark. At the forest-like area in the distance, I could see two then three deer eating and looking at me. They were just calmly grazing and looking all around. There were the peaceful sounds of some birds and peepers.




The horizon was turning some beautiful colors–a blend of orange and purples. The sun was glowing as it was setting. It seemed like all of nature was sharing with me the example of “Be Still.” I soaked up the beauty as my soul, too, was being still. God graced me with what I saw as a purple cross in the sky with the cloud formation over the lake.



Observing nature in its stillness reminded me of the peace deep in my heart as I communed with the Lord. His presence brings that peace into our lives. I thought of these Bible verses about “be still…”

Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act…  –Psalm 37:7  (NLT)

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”  –Psalm 46:10  (ESV)

When we accept the invitation to be still with the Lord, we are assured that He will work on our behalf. He works everything out for our good. In the stillness, we know in our hearts that God is God who is above all. Why should we fear? God is exalted in all the earth.


On the second day of the retreat, one speaker said, “I put on the table the lyrics to a song that I find so meaningful.” He thought the message of the song fit perfectly with one of the previous talks of the weekend. The song is very meaningful to him, one that touches his spirit. I think my jaw dropped when he said the song was “Be Still,” the exact song that was playing in my car as I drove into the retreat center! I was in awe of God at work confirming the invitation to “be still.” Out of the 1,019 songs in my car, how could this speaker mention the same song?


Here is the link to the song if you want to take a listen:




For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  –John 3:16  (NIV)

When we accept the invitation to believe in Jesus, we have eternal life, which is the best gift we can have!


Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!  –1 Chronicles 16:11  (ESV)

When we accept the invitation of seeking the Lord, we possess His strength within us. We are assured of His presence with us always. He never leaves or forsakes us!


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  –Proverbs 3:5  (ESV)

When we accept the invitation to trust the Lord with all we have, we lean into God’s understanding. His ways are best, and they are not always our way. We don’t have to figure everything out.


Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”  –Matthew 11:28  (NLT)

When we accept the invitation to come to Jesus when weary and heavyladen, we find rest in Him. When life seems too difficult for us, we need to leave it in God’s capable hands.


May you be encouraged to reflect on the invitations God has extended to you.
Be encouraged to be still, to believe in Jesus, to seek the Lord and His presence continually, to trust the Lord, and when you are weary, go to Jesus for rest.


Can you help write the ending of this reflection?

Can you share a personal invitation you received from the Lord?

Or, from the list of invitations above, share if the Lord nudged you to work on accepting one of His invitations this week?


A psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.  –Psalm 23:1-3  (NIV)


Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

4 thoughts on “AN INVITATION”

  1. I loved this reflection, Christine……..very timely and especially meaningful at the moment. Your “Be Still” share is “awe-inspiring”! Reading scriptures like the ones you shared are so helpful, as well as just whispering repeatedly “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” to feel His Presence. I don’t know when or where I learned/read that but I resort to it often. Wishing you a God day!

    1. Lynn: I am so glad to hear the Lord blessed you with this reflection, which was timely for you! God’s perfect timing like that is awesome! Thank you for sharing the “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” prayer idea as well. That is just perfect. May God continue to bless you and your family~Much love to you.

  2. Hi Christine,

    You and I met on the driveway of the Notre Dame Retreat House when you attended the retreat you described here. I wanted you to know how much I have reaped from “God’s Presence Illuminated, “your gracious gift to me. It has become one of my “new morning mercies.” So far, “Broken,” has spoken to me in a special way and I shared it with my small Christian community at our last meeting. Response to it was enthusiastic and it was suggested that I invite you to join one of our meetings. My answer was, ” I bet she will!” I look forward to sharing more with you as time goes on and it was my honor to meet you at the Lord’s leading. Karen Batsford

    1. What a wonderful blessing to read this note, Karen, making me marvel once again at how amazing God is! Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing. I love to see the ripple effect of God’s goodness…How everything is connected, and how He brings people into our lives. I’m grateful to have met you. I’ll be in touch! Thank you again and God bless you, your family, and Christian community. 😇

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