Isn’t it wonderful to see how God can order our footsteps to experience His unexpected blessings? God delights in the little details of our lives that reveal His presence and great love for us.

My husband and I decided to enjoy the last few days of summer with a trip to Rochester, NY. We randomly picked out two parks where he could bike and I could enjoy nature. The day before, I was visiting a friend whose one son happened to also be there. He mentioned a place I had never heard about before. Much to my surprise, I discovered it was only an hour from where we were planning to go in Rochester, so we decided to go there too.

As we were pulling into the first park, I thought about a friend I knew lived in Rochester (which includes a large area!). I decided to text her, though she doesn’t look at her phone too much, to see if we were close to where she lived. I thought it would be wonderful if we could connect for a bit, as I have only seen her at a retreat center. Much to my surprise and delight, within a half hour, she called to say we were at the park that is closest to where she lives—about five minutes away! She was not busy, so she came to meet me.



It was a hot day, so she suggested she could chauffer me around Rochester, showing me different sights that had an impact on her life. We drove by the house she grew up in, her current house, churches, and schools, as well as some highlights of the area, like the waterfalls in the middle of downtown! She was so excited to share the places with me, and I was honored. Before we knew it, three hours flew by as I had the privilege of learning more about the life of my special friend.


The waterfall in the middle of downtown!


Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence. –Proverbs 27:9 (TPT)

God is good and faithful! How truly grateful I am for the people God has been putting in my path, especially in the last few years. I have a spiritual family that indeed refreshes my soul and fills my heart with joy. I experience God’s presence through our interactions and in their faces.


The unexpected blessing of finding out about a place called Chimney Bluff Park yielded a time of seeing God’s presence and beauty in nature. It is located on the shore of Lake Ontario. We were able to walk on the shore to get a view of the park from the bottom here…




and then the view from a trail in the woods. God sure created nature with such beauty that is always surrounding us!




For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. –Psalm 95:3-5 (NIV)

Isn’t it incredible to reflect on how God made everything and everyone in this world? He created everything we see in nature and in the animal kingdom! From the sky, to the dust on the ground, to the seas, to the mountains, to the tiniest plant and even the smallest bug, God made them. We cannot escape His presence and beauty.


God is a God of surprises. He has always been gracing people with unexpected blessings!

Consider the unexpected blessing of…

…a young girl named Mary, who became the mother of Jesus, the Savior of the world!

…Abraham and Sarah conceiving a child when she was ninety years old!

…each disciple, in the ordinary of their day, being called to follow Jesus!


God does great things when we aren’t expecting them. This reminds me that He, not me, is always in control of our lives! In fact a young man I was passing on the way out of church summed it up best when he said, “Hello. It’s nice to see you. Even these two second encounters are so meaningful in our lives.” This was only the second time I saw him as he lives out of state. I only know him because a friend shared one of my books with him. We were both filled with joy when we finally met to put a face with a name.



What unexpected blessing did you see God orchestrate in your life?
How have you been an unexpected blessing to someone?


Be encouraged this week to…


…be aware of the unexpected blessings God provides.
…experience a blessing from nature.
…remember that it is God who is ultimately in control.


And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.  –Philippians 4:19  (NLT)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!


  1. Christine, you are such an inspiration to me. You are always finding the best in everything and everyone. I thank God for being able to call you my friend. What a blessing you are. May God the Father continue to use you in a mighty way. Love in Christ, Bruce

    1. Bruce~ Thank you so much for your encouraging words to bless my spirit. I appreciate the prayers and am so grateful for your support through all these years. God is so good! You are a blessing in my life~ God bless… Keep the faith!

  2. It was such a surprise to see this wonderful account of our time together on that hot Sunday afternoon. I even approve of the picture although you didn’t give me a chance to “edit” it first. Lol.
    I thank God for your friendship which has made such a difference in my life . Never forget that your life makes a difference in our world.

    1. Awww… Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement, Karen. Sorry about the picture but I don’t think it needed any editing… Two beautiful smiles filled with the joy of the Lord! What could be better? I’m so grateful for the privilege of sharing this faith journey with you~ Love and prayers!

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