Have you ever felt small and insignificant? Like you were all alone, though you know the truth of God’s Word that He is always with you, leading and guiding? Don’t we sometimes let our feelings triumph over the reality we might need to be reminded of?

As I was traveling to the Christian Literary Awards in Arlington, TX, recently, I kind of felt small and insignificant while walking amid a sea of people at the airports. Two of the three airports were massive, and there were crowds of people everywhere.


The trio of Joy & Company – Meeting my publisher for the third time


It was a little less crowded at the baggage claim, where I waited for my bag. As I stepped away to find the hotel shuttle area, God sent me this heart reminder.


I smiled, remembering how much He loves me and how I am to share that love with others. As a side note, I recently learned of another message these hearts have: they remind me that I am in Jesus’ heart.  A person mentioned that message while mentioning the song “You’ll Be In My Heart” from the movie Tarzan. What a powerful way to view that song and the heart treasures. I encourage you to Google the song.

When I walked outside to wait for the hotel shuttle, there were just a few people around. I happened to sit down on a ledge where I observed these three sparrows reminding me of the Trinity.



Immediately, I felt it was God’s message to me that “His eye is on me,” just as His eye is on the sparrows. God was with me as I recalled a passage about the sparrows.

You can buy two sparrows for only a copper coin, yet not even one sparrow falls from its nest without the knowledge of your Father. Aren’t you worth much more to God than many sparrows? So don’t worry. For your Father cares deeply about even the smallest detail of your life.  –Matthew 10:29-31  (TPT)

Sparrows are one of the smallest of birds that are mentioned a few times in the Bible, symbolizing something of minimal value. From this passage, we see that a single copper coin, worth little, was enough for two sparrows. Often, the sparrows would be food for the poor. Since God cares even for the insignificant, small sparrows, we know He cares even more for each one of us made in His image! How comforting to know in our hearts that God cares about even the littlest detail in our lives.


God of Heaven’s Armies, you find so much beauty in your people! They’re like lovely sanctuaries of your presence. Deep within me are these lovesick longings, desires and daydreams of living in union with you. When I’m near you, my heart and my soul will sing and worship with my joyful songs of you, my true source and spring of life! O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, my King and my God, even the sparrows and swallows are welcome to build a nest among your altars to raise their young. What pleasure fills those who live every day in your temple, enjoying you as they worship in your presence! How enriched are they who find their strength in the Lord; within their hearts are the highways of holiness!  –Psalm 84:1-5  (TPT)

Once again, we learn how seemingly insignificant and small sparrows are important and valuable to God. God made the sparrows, so they have unlimited access to build nests for their young among the altars, the place where Israel first had access to communion with God. The sparrows get to commune with God too. How many more privileges do we, as humans, have where we can worship and praise God continually? There is joy and strength present when we take time to worship the Creator.


A bonus seeing palm trees reminding me of my last post.


As only God can do, the next morning a friend on social media posted a lyric to the song “His Eye Is on the Sparrow.” I smiled at the lyric,

His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know he watches me.


When you hear the birds of the air singing praises to God, may it be a reminder to you that you are cared for and important in God’s eyes.

Be encouraged this week to remember the sparrows and know that…
…God’s eye is on you.
…you are even more valuable than they are.
…God cares about the littlest details in your life.
…you, too, are invited to God’s altar.
…you live in God’s presence continually.
…it is a great privilege to worship God.


What lesson from the sparrows speaks most to your heart?
How has God let you know recently that He values and sees you?

But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.  –Job 12:7-10  (ESV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

4 thoughts on “THE SPARROWS”

    1. Greetings, Lea~ Thank you so much for reading and sharing your message of encouragement. I am blessed to know God is using my simple thoughts of seeing God in the ordinary to inspire your journey. May God continue to bless you. I appreciate you~

  1. Love The Sparrows message! May God continue to Bless you, Christine!

    I am so truly Blessed to know you and call you, my friend!

    Love you, my friend. Lorie

    1. Aww… Thanks so much, Lorie, for your words of encouragement. I’m grateful to know the message touched your spirit; that you can relate too. So glad for God orchestrating our meeting and that we continue to keep in touch. Thanks for being a special gift in my life. God bless you and your family~

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