When we celebrated the New Year at midnight on January 1, 2020 I believe there was excitement in the air!  The joy of ringing in a New Year and a whole new decade.  Another chance for new beginnings, endless opportunities and changes in ourselves if we were motivated.

I don’t believe any of us envisioned that in a little over 2 months later, our world as we knew it, would suddenly come to a screeching halt.  Little did we know how drastically our lives would change for each of us individually, our families, our country and even the whole world!


Continue reading “ROOTS OF OUR FAITH”


Yes, we have the VICTORY  through Jesus’ death on the cross!!  What a powerful reminder of that victory when we gaze upon Jesus hanging on the cross.


Photo courtesy of Prayitno  under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)


The Holy Spirit revealed a cool revelation to me the other day; one that I’m sure we’ve all made but it took on a little deeper meaning to me this time. Continue reading “VICTORY”


As Christians, we know that God has given us all gifts to help build up the Kingdom of God while on this earth; ways to glorify God in our everyday lives. I have been thinking specifically about the gift of encouragement.


I penned thoughts on the topic of Our Gifts back in 2017. Click here  to read those thoughts.


We have different gifts based on the grace that was given to us. So if your gift is prophecy, use your gift in proportion to your faith. If your gift is serving, devote yourself to serving others. If it is teaching, devote yourself to teaching others. If it is encouraging, devote yourself to encouraging others. If it is sharing, share generously. If it is leading, lead enthusiastically. If it is helping, help cheerfully. –Romans 12:6-8 (ISV) Continue reading “ENCOURAGEMENT”


God’s Grace~~


A thought that occurred to me one particular day when I could not stop thanking God for His goodness and grace.


When we think of God’s Grace, I believe the first thing that usually comes to our mind is God’s Grace in relation to our salvation.  Grace is most commonly defined as “the free and unmerited favor of God.”  Because of God’s Grace to us, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth, to die for our sins; for our salvation.  Grace is a free gift from God to us!

In researching different definitions about the word Grace, I found one site that listed seven of them.  I am going to zero in on two of those which are applicable to these thoughts this week:



Continue reading “GOD’S GRACE”




Do you ever feel that you are not an important person in the Kingdom of God?

Do you ever feel that you have done so many “bad” things in your life that God can’t love you?

Do you ever feel that you are so messed up that God can’t possibly use your life for furthering His Kingdom on earth?

Do you ever feel that God cannot possibly use you for a purpose in the Kingdom of God?

Do you ever feel like you have failed God and are not worthy?


Well, I have some encouragement for you……I’ll say it again….




My Spirit was blessed and God confirmed a thought I had, just hours before, through a song I heard at church this past weekend.


You see, when I am free on the weekends, I continue to help out the NICU at our local hospital with holding and loving those little ones who need some extra attention.  If you are a faithful reader you probably know it is one of my favorite ministries and things to do as I have ended up penning thoughts on my experiences often.

This weekend I enjoyed positioning the babies in different ways once my arm gets tired of one way.  My two favorite ways to hold the little ones is snuggling them against my chest and the other is putting my two hands together to hold their little head in the palms of my hands.


Continue reading “IN THE PALMS OF HIS HANDS”


But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.  The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.  –2 Peter 3:8-9  (NIV)


This verse kind of seems to support the thought that God is not bound by time itself; something that is interesting to consider.  On this earth we think so much in terms of time but God might not have that constraint.

In thinking about that, I am always in awe of God considering how He puts everything together, ultimately in our good time.  Truly, we have such an awesome God and I can’t help but share how I see Him at work!  Continue reading “YOU SAY”


“We just do not realize the majesty of our Lord and how he uses all of us for His divine purpose!”


What great truth to reflect on this week; a statement made in an email from a friend.  It came about from a few stories we were sharing where we see God’s perfect orchestrations in a simple, ordinary event.  Let me explain…. Continue reading “BLESSINGS”


God made each of us unique and thus we each have our own stories that make every one of us God’s special creation!


He is the potter and we are the clay as He molds and shapes our lives in different ways.  It is something that makes each of us His masterpieces with no two of us being alike; something that I am in awe of.  How it fascinates me to take time to listen and learn people’s stories. Continue reading “LEARNING PEOPLE’S STORIES”


You might recall from reading some of my thoughts, if you have through the years,  that I am happiest when I am serving or helping others; sharing Christ with others through serving.   It seems to be one example that Jesus, while on this earth, taught us to do, right?   Helping others makes me think about others rather than focusing on me; putting others first.


For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.  –Mark 10:45  (NIV)

“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’”  –Matthew 25:40  (NLT)

Continue reading “MISSION DAY 2020”