Attending a local women’s worship conference recently sparked a memory that I thought was worthy of sharing with you this week.  As I find so often in my life, God’s perfect timing to even hear about this conference two days before it was scheduled via our Christian radio station and realizing my schedule would permit me to attend, sure blessed me big time!


I did attempt to ask one friend if she was free to attend with me but she was not, so off I went solo, which is always fine with me too.  The people were very friendly and welcoming and at the beginning of the second day of the event, a lady came over and started talking to me.  It was cool to find out that she too, did not know anyone there but decided to participate anyway.  As we conversed and sat together at lunch, I learned that she actually knows of a friend of mine that lives in the same development as her.  In fact they exercise together though they never really conversed up to this point.  I wonder if they might now since they know a mutual person…me!  🙂


At this conference, there were a few different speakers you could pick from to listen to.  I stuck with the main guest speaker, Lynn Cowell, who is a part of the Proverbs 31 ministry for any readers out there who might be familiar with it.  I had not really known about the organization,  but have since signed up for a wonderful daily devotional they share weekdays.


Continue reading “ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME”


Have you ever been fearful of a new beginning in your life?

Has fear or being scared of something ever stopped you from taking a new step in your life?

Maybe it is related to something God is calling you to do but you’re not sure how.

Maybe it is the not knowing what to expect that is difficult.

Maybe you were too scared to take that leap of faith because you didn’t know what you would find.


As I was recently traveling home solo from a Third Day concert (my favorite Christian case you didn’t know!) on a ride that took four hours, thoughts of having a traffic delay made me think about uncharted waters in our lives.

The prior day, I was very thankful that I was not going in the opposite direction where there was a little construction but then what seemed like miles and miles of traffic backed up. They were even to the point of a stand still though I am really not sure why.

It was kind of “funny” how another friend of mine happened to text me about something and I mentioned the traffic I had seen the first day. She had actually been traveling the same direction the same day and noticed it as well.

She said maybe I should consider seeking an alternate route.  Because of her saying that, I did end up pulling over on way home when I noticed there was a 20 minute stopped traffic notification on the GPS.  I had just paid a toll so had a good place to pull over to see if there was an alternate route.

I really didn’t think there would be but the GPS said there was though it added 15 minutes to my trip. I figured it was worth it to be able to keep moving instead of coming to a standstill in traffic.


Continue reading “UNCHARTED WATERS”