Inspiration to help guide our lives can come to us in many different forms—through music, art, photography, people we interact with, writings, books, and even some movies.

Have you read any books or seen any movies that you could really relate to, and they make you want to share them with others because you believed in the message so much? Continue reading “THE BLIND SIDE”


As I was watching this final season of American Idol, the theme of SECOND CHANCES resonated with me.
I thought about how bittersweet this final season is for many of the contestants. It is their one last shot of trying to make it to fame and notoriety.
From what I’ve seen so far, I think this final season has definitely inspired many younger people, as in the 15 to  17 age group, to audition for the show. It makes sense that they figure they might as well try out since it is their last chance with this type of venue. This is a great opportunity for them to give it their all and see what happens.
The show has highlighted some people who have come back this year, who for them, is providing them with a second chance at making it to Hollywood.  Some have even previously made it all the way to Hollywood when their dream came to an end. They want to see if they can get even further this year.
And with this being the final season of American Idol, many are saddened by the fact that they will never have an opportunity for a second chance like others have in years past.


All these thoughts of SECOND CHANCES made me think of our relationship with the Lord.
I think it is a good thing to reflect on how God gives us SECOND CHANCES in our lives.
Think about the most important time in your life when God provided a second chance for you.
That point in your life when you were ready to accept Him into your life and heart.
At that moment, He forgave you from all your sin! That is the ultimate reason why Jesus came to this earth….to give us a second chance to live with Him forever in Heaven.
It would be nice if once we accepted Jesus, we did not sin anymore, but Jesus is the only person who walked this earth that did NOT sin. That is because He is also God.
But you know that He appeared so that He might take away our sins. And in Him is no sin. –1 John 3:5  (NIV)
As much as I think we humans strive to be “perfect” and not sin, that is not possible on this earth. It seems like because of this, everyday we are given second chances.
second chances
Maybe SECOND CHANCES can be viewed in two ways…
….One being more where we have wronged someone in some way
….One being opportunities where God’s intervening is evident
What SECOND CHANCES has God given you today where you have wronged someone?
…the time you caught yourself gossiping about a co-worker?
…the time you caught yourself cursing at the driver who cut you off?
…the time you lost your temper with your child or spouse?
…the time you were speeding because you were running late?
…the time you ignored the homeless person on the street because you were in a hurry?
These are times when our second chances are opportunities to ask the Lord and maybe another person for forgiveness.
We can start each day anew with a renewed love of the Lord and others. In doing this, we can once again experience the fullness of the blessings of the Lord .
What SECOND CHANCES has God given where you have seen Him intervene in your life?
…A chance to renew a strained family relationship?
…A healing with a health issue?
…A freedom from an addiction?
…A pursuing of a new career path for your life where God is calling you?
…A protection from a disaster that you saw coming?

These second chances are pure blessings from the Lord to help increase our faith and show the Creator’s mighty power.


May we strive to live as Jesus loving and serving all we meet and giving it our all, just like the contestants on American Idol.
May we always be thankful to the Lord for ALL the second chances He provides for us,  just like the contestants on American Idol who are so thankful for their second chances.
May we always strive to live in peace and honor the Lord in all that we do.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. –John 3:16 (NIV)


Every life is truly a special gift from God.

What you do with it, and how you live it, is YOUR gift to God.

Have you viewed YOUR life as such?

Do the things you busy yourself with reflect that view? How about the decisions you make, the places you go, the people you interact with?

story to god

Your life is a story that only YOU can write to our Creator, God Almighty. No two people have the same story; each and every story is unique!

Your life is made up of some circumstances you have control over, and some things you do not have control over. Every day brings many decisions. The choices you make shape and mold YOUR life’s story.

Your story is made up of many chapters–it could be based on the stages of life–infancy, childhood, teenager, young adult, adult, elderly person.

The chapters could also be represented by significant events in your life.

When you start out as an infant, you depend solely on your caregiver to meet all of your needs, but as you begin to grow, you have some control over YOUR gift to God.

As you become a teenager, you have even more options in deciding how YOUR story will be written.

**Will you stand up for your beliefs or will you follow the crowd and compromise your faith?

When you are a young adult, you have even greater control over writing YOUR story to God. The opportunities are endless and you have more freedom.

Probably as an adult, you have the greatest potential for writing YOUR story to God. You are now on your own and responsible for yourself.

How you react to the various situations in your life is a big part of YOUR story.

**Are you going to choose to be happy despite possible “bad” circumstances or will you let sadness and loss of hope overtake YOUR story?

**Will you let Jesus guide your path?

With God’s help, you have the power and freedom to write YOUR personal story–your gift to Him.


Photo credit by BK under Creative Commons License (CC BY-SA 2.0)

It is never too late to begin anew if YOUR story is not what you want it to be.

**If there is a chapter in your life that you don’t like, you can seek God’s forgiveness and move on to bigger and better things.

God is always there waiting for us and waiting to guide us.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, when you are an elderly person, or at the end of every chapter in YOUR story, you can look back and say that you are satisfied with YOUR story?

YOUR story is YOUR gift to God!

You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts.  –2 Corinthians 3:2-3 (NIV)


How many times do we, as humans, resist change in our lives? 

Do you ever get set in your routine and ways, and don’t think that change is necessary?

We are probably the creatures that have the hardest time with change.  As I look around this beautiful world God created, it occurs to me how the Lord made everything to change.

Maybe we can learn some lessons about change by looking at the world around us.

Consider the birds of the air.

Some birds change colors with the various seasons; some birds migrate to different places in order to survive each year.  Their environment is constantly changing, but they adapt in order to survive.

The oceans change too.

Sometimes the waters are calm and serene, while at other times they are rough and full of waves.  At two different times each day, the tide comes in and then goes out.  The oceans serve the purpose God has in mind for them.


Photo credit by Lara under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)

Even the trees experience change in their lives with the different seasons.

In the spring the trees grow new leaves that are green, and in the summer they grow bigger and bigger.  When fall comes, the leaves change such beautiful colors, and then, as the weather cools, they eventually fall off their branches.  In the winter, there are no leaves, but the trees are preparing to start changing again.  The trees bring us a sense of awe and wonder in their change, but they are really fulfilling the laws of nature that God has set in place.


Photo credit by Ted under Creative Commons License (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The skies change many times during a day as well. 

Sometimes there are clouds that bring in rain, sometimes snow.  And, sometimes the sky lacks even the hint of a cloud–it is just crystal clear blue.  Sometimes the sky shows God’s beautiful red sunset.  Again, this is such magnificent beauty, and a plan of nature set in place by God.


The Lord also created our physical bodies to change throughout our lives.

Did you ever stop to think how little you were when you were in your mother’s womb?  Your physical body endured many changes before you made your grand appearance on this earth! And for the next 18 or so years your body grew in leaps and bounds. Maybe you suffered some ailments when you were a child and actually outgrew them as you got older because of the way your physical body changed. Personally, I was thankful when I finished growing as a teen so that my scoliosis did not get any worse. After enduring years of allergy shots, I was blessed to outgrow my allergies. Even as adults, our bodies continue to change. It is all part of God’s plan.

The next time change comes into your life, remember how God made everything in the universe to change–it is a natural part of life. Change can help us grow in ways we never thought possible.

Since the Lord made all these “things” to change in so many ways, how much more must He expect our hearts and spirits to change throughout our lives?

He wants to continually change us—to make us more in His image.

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.  –2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)

He can only do this if we are willing to accept change and to surrender our lives to Him. 

We shouldn’t be so afraid of change since the Lord wouldn’t lead us astray, and He is always with us no matter what!

To be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.  –Ephesians 4:23-24 (NIV)