These words were inspired and quickly penned while I was enjoying a beautiful, God filled presence sunrise overlooking Canandaigua Lake during an amazing three day retreat this past weekend.
In retrospect, I feel so blessed to have experienced this view, not only one, but two days! I have to admit I usually am not an early riser, but because of the time schedule of the retreat, they woke us up early every day!
I wish I could have captured the moment with an awesome picture so you could really SEE the view with your eyes, but no cameras were allowed. So, sit back and try to visualize the scene…..I hope you will be as blessed as I was.
Photo credit by lam_chihang under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)
Bright morning sunrise in the sky
Reflecting upon the water
Radiating out
Just like you and me
Radiating the Son in our lives.
Then appeared one bird
Quickly followed by a second.
And then a third
Reminding me of the
Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
That third bird
Lasting in the sky
The longest
Reminding me of the
Holy Spirit’s ever presence
In our lives.
There was an L-shaped cloud line
Encompassing the sun
In the sky
Reminding me of God’s arms
Always surrounding and
Enveloping ME.
After about 15 minutes the cloud line
Disappeared reminding me of the
Son’s encompassing love and
Inclusion of us ALL.
All different kinds of birds
Were singing their songs of praise.
All in praise of their Creator
Reminding me to do the same.
It was another grace filled moment experiencing
God’s presence in creation and a definite
Reminder for me of the “Sonrise” in our
Hearts with Christ as the center.
Be still, and know that I am God.  –Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
The heavens declare the glory of the God; the skies proclaim
the work of His hands.  –Psalm 19:1  (NIV)