These thoughts this week are actually a kind of continuation from a post I did about a year ago entitled, “When Your Best Isn’t Good Enough.”
A quick synopsis of that post is:
–My youngest son loves baseball
–Very disappointed to not make the modified school baseball team in 7th or 8th grade
–Night of notification of not making 8th grade team made a list of goals
Pondering the events of this past year regarding my son and his baseball adventures made me see how God’s hand has been working in his life through the year. When his best wasn’t good enough to make the modified, school baseball team last year, he turned it around into something positive by working on some goals.

In my sharing the events of this past year with you, it is my hope and prayer that you will be able to relate to some issue in your life where your best wasn’t good enough, yet you saw God working in your life through that adversity.

It was such a blessing to see how his travel team coaches were so understanding and supportive of my son when they learned he did not make the school team. The main coach would let him come down to the indoor complex anytime he wanted to practice and play baseball with his son that was always down there.
That actually led to my son being able to help out and coach a few of the younger teams to help share his love and knowledge of the sport with younger boys. This is helping him build some leadership qualities and to be a role model for others.
It was also at this time that the two travel team coaches thought it would be a great opportunity for my son to start playing the catcher position for the team. My son had been a catcher just a few times in Little League but not really for the older leagues. Not making the school team allowed him time to practice in this new position.
Another blessing was that the coaches had extra equipment that my son could use…they just gave it to him to save us that expense. They said being a catcher is actually one of the most important positions because you have to be aware of everything going on and knowing what to do when is so crucial as a catcher.  They felt confident my son would handle the pressure well.
My son picked up the position rather quickly and became 2nd string catcher. His confidence has definitely grown over this past year in that position with the extra practice time he gets as well.
Seeing the growth in confidence in my son through the opportunities afforded him by not making the school team last year was very rewarding as a parent. Sometimes I think we need those things in order to grow more. It might not be our plan, but ultimately the Lord knows and wants what is best for us. It reminds me of my favorite Bible verse, Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”  (NIV)
When the indoor baseball started up again in October this year, it was great to see my son be confident enough to kind of “lead” the team, especially since there were many new players on the team with only four returning members. The voice yelling the number of outs, where the play should be, etc. will be my son.
With the travel team this year being extended to younger age groups, my son has gotten to be “friends” with a few other coaches. What a blessing it has been to see the support and encouragement two particular coaches have been for my son. I am so in awe of these “mentors” that God has placed in my son’s life.
It made me think about what a gift we can be to others as mentors in others lives…whether spiritual or for a sport or art.

Can you be a blessing to someone or have you thought of and thanked some special mentors in your life?

This is the picture of the goals that my son came up with a year ago:
caleb goals (2)
—As with most people, he was working very hard on the exercise routine in the beginning but as time went by, that kind of fell off.  But, he  continues to lift hand weights sporadically to try to gain more strength.
—Though my son didn’t make his weight goal this year, he is definitely in better shape than he was a year ago. He has thinned out which has enabled him to be faster in his running and moving about the field.
—I would say his goal of being primary third baseman was pretty much met.  He is versatile in just about any position so he had opportunities to play in every position.
—During the travel team baseball season last year, my son started out well with his hitting goal but that kind of fell off.  At some points, he was actually the lowest rank in hitting.  But, he continued to keep fighting through and with the support of the coaches, things eventually improved little by little.
A week ago my son had JV school baseball tryouts for four days. They do a lot of running and the one day he related the story that he was probably in the bottom four of a pack and at the end he sprinted out ahead of that group. He thought the coach saw that, hoping that would be a good thing for him to see his determination and putting forth the extra effort.
My son also wasn’t going to try out for the pitcher position because he feels he’s not as good as the other people, but I’m happy that he changed his mind at the last minute. When he asked if he should, I encouraged him saying that maybe if he did, it would show that he was more versatile.
Last week, my son was quite surprised, pleasantly surprised and so excited, to learn that he actually MADE the JV school baseball team as a freshman!! He was in shock, but oh, so happy.  He actually seemed to beat the odds of political school issues as well!

What a huge blessing to see that my son’s ultimate goal from his goal list from last year….


is met!

In fact, we still have that white board, which I see included a few extra goals during the year.
Vestal JV final
After finding out he made the school team, he headed to the indoor complex for practice with the travel team there. The first person he ran into was one of the two mentor coaches. Right away, he gave my son a huge hug through the netting separating the field and walk area. The two guys were just so happy for him and gave him some peps talks to help boost his confidence. It sure made this mama’s heart happy to see that encouragement from the coaches and thinking about what a blessing we can be in other’s lives.
My son admitted to the one mentor that he does honestly feel he has the “weakest” arm on the team. The mentor is willing to help him, on the off season, to come up with a weight training program where he will be able to work on that. He said by next year, he will be just as strong as the others on the team.

When you experience times when your best isn’t good enough, look to see if there are some goals you can work on to maybe make your best good enough next time.

And, remember it is good to be working toward some goal or goals though we might not always meet or exceed them.

Working to improve ourselves is a good thing…..little by little we can be different, be better, and shine more for the Lord.

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  –Philippians 4:13-14  (NIV)


Those of you that know my family personally, know that my youngest son, LOVES to play baseball. He even played fall & winter baseball inside this past year and that then led to his first travel baseball experience! He was so very excited and stoked to play so many games as they were playing or practicing from November – July…a good nine months of baseball!
There was one game in particular where I was spectating that these thoughts came to me….It seems many principles of baseball are also fitting for this “game” of life. This particular game the team really came together, cheered each other on to really have that team spirit, communicated well on the field, made great plays and came out victorious even coming from way behind.
                                                Tournament champs this day.

Lesson 1:  You win some games and you lose some games. 

Do you ever feel that way in your life? Some days you feel like you’re on top of everything and winning, while other days it seems like you just can’t win no matter how hard you try to be successful.
In the end, it really works out okay. God is still in control no matter what. With Him, we WIN and have the victory!
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. –1 Cori 15:57 (NIV)

Lesson 2: Some days you make all the right plays, but since we’re human, sometimes we make some errors.

No matter how hard we try, we still end up making some “mistakes” in this journey of life. We were not made to be perfect; only God is perfect. We need to learn from our mistakes and strive to improve everyday. It is so important to pick ourselves up, brush the dirt from us, and know each day is a new start. God loves us and forgives us no matter what. Our heart is what counts.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  –1 John 1:9 (NIV)

Lesson 3: You may be called to play a few different positions in the game of baseball. My son pitches, catches, plays 3rd base, shortstop, or is in the outfield.

In life, we are all called to different roles. First and foremost you are a Child of God, then you might be a son/daughter, husband/wife, parent, doctor, accountant, musician, etc.
All of these roles have important qualities or responsibilities tied to them. The more roles that you find yourself with gives you more opportunities to touch more people’s lives and share the love of the Lord with them. The key is to always do your best in whatever role you find yourself.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.  –Colossians 3:17  (NIV)

Lesson 4: When a batter is hitting, sometimes they are thrown a strike, sometimes a curve ball, sometimes a fast ball, and sometimes something in between that is too high or low.

In this game of life, you never know what kind of “ball” life will throw at you. The key to success in life is to keep rooted in the source and refocusing your energy through loving the Lord. Your attitude and faith are what will make the biggest difference. Knowing that with God you can handle anything is a liberating feeling.
I can do everything through Him who gives me strengthen.   –Philippians 4:13  (NIV)

Lesson 5: You need to keep believing in yourself, your team, and never give up. It is not over until that last out!

It is hard when we start doubting ourselves and our abilities. Our confidence can plummet very quickly. Sometimes we need that person to encourage us along the way to help us get our confidence up. Learning to never give up and keep trying our best are key elements to help us make it through the tough times. It isn’t really over until our final breath.

For nothing is impossible with God. –Luke 1:37 (NIV)

                                                  Team spirit! Go Bandits!

Lesson 6: Work as a team each member doing their “job” to the best of their ability. It is definitely a TEAM sport…No one person is responsible for the success of the team. 

God has given us the gift of family and friends to work together with.  Together is better and more can be accomplished when we are working as a team.
Have you ever experienced a major deadline or project at work? Didn’t things go much more smoothly when you worked as a team, each utilizing their talents and gifts that helped everything work together?
Can you think of times when someone came along side you and helped you see something in a fresh new way? Being connected to others can help us learn from others and expand our horizons.
For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. –Matt 18:20  (NIV)

Lesson 7:  No matter what, you need to keep fighting and giving your best even when the stakes are stacked against you. One small thing can change everything.

No matter how down and out you are, you need to keep pressing one and searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. A simple little turn in events can change the whole situation around. Don’t ever give up!
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  –Philippians 3:14  (NIV)
For me, it was a blessing to reflect on how something as simple as watching a baseball game could show me lessons about baseball, life, and the Lord.
Can you think of your favorite sport to watch or play and find some lessons about life too?
His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”  –Matthew 25:21  (NIV)