This reflection was inspired after receiving this unique treasure from a friend’s family for my birthday this past year.


A beautiful handcrafted acorn


It included a beautiful note that is applicable to all our lives and worthy of reflection, so I will share it.

“Looking at an acorn, it’s hard to tell that it will one day be a great oak tree. Similarly, when we look at our lives, we seldom know what the future will hold. God not only sees where you are right now but also who you will become and where you will go. He doesn’t see an acorn; He sees a mighty oak tree! He knows the plans He has for you and what He wants to do through you. Keep stretching, growing, and challenging yourself, and trust that God is using your gifts to make a difference in this world. You are amazing, and we are grateful to have you in our lives.”


What are four takeaways from these words of wisdom? Continue reading “THE MIGHTY OAK TREE”


“Value the opportunities you’re given. They will affect more than you can see right now.” –Melody Lavin


I saw how this quote from social media was applicable to my life, especially this week. Every day, opportunities, both big and small, present themselves in our lives. We usually have a free choice with these opportunities, where we can either say “yes” or “no” to them. Sometimes we never know the impact of our “yes” or “no” to opportunities that present themselves. Our answer can have a ripple effect either immediately or possibly years later, either in our personal lives or in the lives of others. Our decision could also impact someone’s life, possibly someone we don’t even know directly. I think that is the beauty of our faith and trust in the Lord, as we remind ourselves that He is always working everything out for our good. There is more to life than just our little world. Some day we might learn more about the impact we have had on others’ lives when we are in heaven. Continue reading “VALUE OPPORTUNITIES”


It is encouraging to see how God recently provided me with another opportunity for growth. The best part is learning to walk in obedience and trusting God to provide what is needed to carry out His will. It is a testament to God’s power and the strength He provides to do things I never dreamed I could or would do. There is great freedom in it.

One January day, while running errands, I saw an email with the title “Guest Speaker” and a person’s name I did not know. Somehow I knew it was going to be a request for a speaking engagement, something that has been outside my comfort zone as an introverted writer. But my attitude was one of saying, “Okay, Lord. I know you are bringing this to me, so I will do it,” as I glanced quickly through the email. That attitude alone is progress for me! Continue reading “OBEDIENCE GROWTH”


What makes you happiest?

Yes, I am sure you know by now that I always feel happiest when I am helping others in some capacity.  For me, it is how I am serving the Lord and sharing Him with others making me feel that I am accomplishing His will and working to further His kingdom. Continue reading “THE BLESSINGS OF GROWTH”