Ever since mid-February this year, on the days when the weather permits here in the Northeast, I try to get out and go for a walk outside to get some fresh air.  I believe it was towards the end of February when I noticed what appeared to me to be a huge population of robins this year!  There were lots of robins gathered in yards not just a single one or two.

The first thought I was reminded of with seeing these birds so early in the season was about “the birds of the air.”


More recently what I have noticed on my walks is when I look up in the sky there are so many, what I am assuming are some kind of hawk, in one area just soaring around the sky.

The thought that always comes to my mind when I observe this scene, especially with seeing their wings outstretched soaring, is about “under the shadow of His wings.” Continue reading “LESSONS FROM THE BIRDS OF THE AIR”