Have you ever been fearful of a new beginning in your life?

Has fear or being scared of something ever stopped you from taking a new step in your life?

Maybe it is related to something God is calling you to do but you’re not sure how.

Maybe it is the not knowing what to expect that is difficult.

Maybe you were too scared to take that leap of faith because you didn’t know what you would find.


As I was recently traveling home solo from a Third Day concert (my favorite Christian band..in case you didn’t know!) on a ride that took four hours, thoughts of having a traffic delay made me think about uncharted waters in our lives.

The prior day, I was very thankful that I was not going in the opposite direction where there was a little construction but then what seemed like miles and miles of traffic backed up. They were even to the point of a stand still though I am really not sure why.

It was kind of “funny” how another friend of mine happened to text me about something and I mentioned the traffic I had seen the first day. She had actually been traveling the same direction the same day and noticed it as well.

She said maybe I should consider seeking an alternate route.  Because of her saying that, I did end up pulling over on way home when I noticed there was a 20 minute stopped traffic notification on the GPS.  I had just paid a toll so had a good place to pull over to see if there was an alternate route.

I really didn’t think there would be but the GPS said there was though it added 15 minutes to my trip. I figured it was worth it to be able to keep moving instead of coming to a standstill in traffic.


uncharted water


So I went in “uncharted waters,” a route I had never seen or taken before. Much to my surprise it was a beautiful, peaceful ride through some more country type roads. I had no idea where it was taking me especially when it appeared I only had 40 minutes left in the trip and should have been back on the highway by then. But, I did not panic, rather continued listening and singing to my Christian music and trusting the GPS.

I started to think about the uncharted waters I was experiencing and how it applies to different events in our lives.

**I kept moving forward

**I continued to follow the directions of the GPS

**It was an opportunity to trust I was doing the right thing

**I got to see a different view of the country and little towns that I hadn’t seen before

**It really was okay to take a new path

**Sure it was a different route, but the destination was still the same…that was the important part

**A new adventure can be exciting


The uncharted waters trip almost seemed like it would never end. When at last it was time to get back on the highway, there was a closed road sign right BEFORE the ramp I needed to take!

The only option was to get on the highway that took me in the opposite direction from home; that ramp was right before the closed road!  Instead of getting angry, I kind of chuckled to myself especially when I thought about a blog I had read before that was entitled “You Might As Well Laugh!” There was really nothing I could do but just go with the flow of the traffic!

My adventure brought me encouragement to remember that “uncharted waters” is really okay; I hope it provides the same for you!  What do we really have to fear with the Lord at our side?

Is there some story of uncharted waters in your life that you could share in the comments below? I would love for you to share!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  –Isaiah 41:10  (NIV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

4 thoughts on “UNCHARTED WATERS”

  1. Uncharted territory reminds me of a quote (I sent to a worried friend earlier this week):
    “Think of it this way: When you take a road trip at night, your car’s headlights allow you to see about 200 feet in front of you, yet you trust that if you stay on the road and follow the signs, you’ll arrive at your destination.” ~ Jane Ehrman, M.Ed

    1. Wow…thanks so much for sharing that quote, Donna! I really like that, and it is a great way to look at it! Thank you so much for sharing those words of wisdom. Blessings to you!

  2. Great post! You know, I was having a conversation with a friend when I was in San Francisco about how routine we are. We like to know what’s ahead, we have the things we like to do every single day in certain ways. We like to plan. We like to know what’s coming. But sometimes that can take all the adventure and excitement out of life. Sometimes it’s a good idea to travel uncharted waters and experience something new and exciting. My lifestyle has started to turn into one that’s pushing the envelope and always discovering new things – I believe we need a balance between our daily routine and the new and uncharted waters!

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement, Angela! I think you are so right…finding that balance between our daily routine and the new, uncharted waters is key. I’m definitely learning that lesson slowly…trying to be a more adventuresome little by little! I appreciate your sharing…blessings to you!

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