This holiday season, once again, I was reminded of how God is always at work even in the littlest of details in our lives~~a never ending ripple effect of Him.

Can you relate to that thought?


May my simple sharing help encourage you to see God working in the little details of your life as well.

When gift giving for my mother I try to give practical presents aka gift cards. This year, after receiving the mail order I placed from a Christian Distributer company, I felt like she would really appreciate a gift from there that boasts it is made in Jerusalem from an olive tree.


It just so happened that when I received the box from the company, there was an angel item I did not order and it was missing one specific item that I had ordered. When I called about the item mix-up, the company was great about making the order correct as well as saying to keep the angel they sent in error. I was unsure as to who would appreciate the angel at first thought.



After that phone call I had the idea to order the item I thought my mother would be blessed by so I called back quick to see if they include it in the shipment with the missing order item. They were very gracious and said no problem; I was thankful for the added bonus of free shipping.


There was one particular night in early December when I was preparing all the packages to mail the next day at the post office. I solicited the help of my youngest son to assist with the taping of the items since I personally struggle with that packaging tape! We had just sealed up the package for my mom when my son said, “Oh, hold on.”

He went to his bedroom, grabbed some money and an envelope writing a short message to his grandma. We were able to open the package back up fairly easily to insert his present. Him noticing the little detail of who the package was going to led to the added blessing for my mother.


Since I was sending the one olive tree gift to my mom, I thought that she might be the one to send the “extra” angel to as she does have a little collection of special angels.

As I was hoping, my mother ended up really enjoying the two presents. When she opened the angel, she noticed there was a little tag on it from the company that had the numbers 8/17 on it~~which just happens to be the birthdate of her mom, my grandma, who died many years ago.  (Something I did not notice!)


What a “little detail” that only God could orchestrate!


Needless to say, my mom cried when she saw the thoughtfulness and kindess of my son giving her some of his hard earned money and special note saying to “spoil” herself and buy something just for her; that she deserved something special. She tried to hold the tears away as she thanked him on the phone on Christmas Day, though it didn’t quite work!  🙂  She told me she would be keeping that envelope that held special meaning for her.


I would be blessed if you would help me finish this post this week!!

Can you think of a story that includes “little details” that you could see was God’s hand at work?  Please feel free to share in the comment section below.


Aren’t two sparrows sold for only a penny? But your Father knows when any one of them falls to the ground. Even the hairs on your head are counted. So don’t be afraid! You are worth much more than many sparrows. –Matthew 10:29-31 (CEV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

6 thoughts on “THE LITTLE DETAILS”

  1. Loved your “God wink” moment!! A friend introduced me to that saying a few years ago after she read a book with that title. She said that God wants us to know he is with us in our every day life, even in the smallest details. When this happens, God winks at us and happily lets us know that he is there. I loved that thought.

    1. Yes, you are so right, Helen! I read a few of those “God wink” books and so agree with God letting us know He is there…He reveals Himself to me like that so often! Thanks for reading and sharing~

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