This week I am sharing more thoughts and insights I received from a weekend retreat at one of my favorite Holy Places. I am always so grateful for an opportunity to travel the 2 1/2 hrs to either experience a retreat or to assist in the dining area serving others.




The beauty of the grounds and especially peering out at the lake and all the greenery in the spring and summer is spectacular!  An added bonus this particular weekend was some sunshine and warmer temperatures.  How I enjoy soaking up His Presence, His Spirit while viewing His beautiful creation!




The theme of the weekend was “Our Spiritual Journey” and the visual was a labyrinth.  A perfect symbol for the theme; one I had never really given any thought to before.


And just to be clear, though mazes can sometimes remind us of labyrinths, they are really quite different.  A maze may have more than one way in or out; and is meant to be confusing as you find your way out after different twists, turns, even dead ends.  Mazes have different choices to make and the goal is to navigate through the path to get to the end.



A maze—Photo courtesy of Jon Kenfield  under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC  2.0)


A labyrinth, on the other hand, only has one way in and out; does not have any dead ends and has a single route despite the twists and turns. There is only one path that leads to the center of the labyrinth.




Doing a quick google search, I learned that a labyrinth represents wholeness. Labyrinths often have several twists and turns in them with the sole objective to get to the center and back out again.  There are even walking labyrinths as well as finger labyrinths.

Take a few minutes to follow with your finger the path to the center of this labyrinth to get a flavor what it is like. It made it more “real” for me when I traced the path with a physical labyrinth that was available at the retreat.




What if we looked at life as a labyrinth?   The labyrinth of life on this earth!

The center of the labyrinth represents God.

The one way into the labyrinth could symbolize your birth~~your life.
When you are born, you begin your entrance into the labyrinth of life on this earth.


You could look at it that you technically reach the center of the labyrinth when you come to the point of accepting Jesus personally and knowing Him as your personal Lord and Savior; not just “head” knowledge about Him.  With Him, we get filled up with God’s Spirit, His grace, His mercy and love.

Once you are at that point in your life, as you navigate through the many twists and turns through the different stages of life, our focus, our eyes, should always be on the center God.



As long as you keep your eyes on God, who you are following every step of the way, you will be fine.

Once we reach that center of the labyrinth guess what else we get to do?  Yes, we get to journey back out!



What might we realize? 

Yes, that we are walking back with God~~on this labyrinth of life.  God is always with you leading and guiding.  Look for Him!

Each day on this earth can be considered a day in the labryrith of life!

May it remind you this week that God is always walking with you!

Keep your eyes on the center of your life, God!

In the labyrinth of life you can’t get lost if you keep your eyes on the center.




Consider spending a few moments pondering your spiritual journey to reminsce on the many twists and turns; how through it all God has blessed you and has been with you leading you every step of the way.  You are loved!


I will leave you with two thoughts…

“Always remember this:  life is a journey. It is a path, a journey to meet Jesus.” –Pope Francis  (NCR, Feb 2014)
Journey back out, spreading God’s love and goodness to others.




And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.  –Deuteronomy 10:12  (NIV)

And I will always guide you and satisfy you with good things. I will keep you strong and well. You will be like a garden that has plenty of water, like a spring of water that never goes dry.   –Isaiah 58:11  (GNT)

My sheep know my voice, and I know them. They follow me.  –John 10:27  (CEV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

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