As you think about your faith journey have you experienced some seasons of waiting?

Waiting for the Lord to act or direct in some way, waiting for something to happen before you could take the next step in your life?


Was it a season of waiting….

…for the Lord to open doors for a ministry

…for healing a broken relationship

…for a prodigal’s return

…for chains of addiction to be broken

…for physical healing in your body

…for the Lord to bring your life partner into your life?


Waiting is usually difficult, isn’t it?


After all, especially these days, it seems like everything is instanteous.  With the convenience of cell phones, we have access to just about everything these days with just a click of a button.

We can check the weather for anywhere in the world, how much money is in our bank account, be in touch with anyone via a quick text, even “see” an urgent care Dr. via the web which sure shocked me!  (Except the one time I tried to do that there was an age restriction…sigh!)

Back in 2019 when I was recovering from a fractured right radial head in my arm, it was a waiting period for me.


My season of waiting was waiting…

…to be able to and have a need for babies I can hold and love at the NICU,

…to start volunteering weekly at the Mom’s House with the little ones,

…even working at the soup kitchen that got cancelled this month due to a water issue

…waiting for another retreat at my Holy Place where I can serve

…and what direction God is leading me for my website.


Yes, waiting is often difficult for us all I do believe.  For me personally, this waiting has been difficult because I am happiest when I can help or serve others because of Christ in me.  I feel more fulfilled and purposeful even though I know my “worth” is not truly tied to these things.


My real worth and purpose in this life is to just live moment by moment loving God and others!  Praising God for sending His only Son, Jesus to die for me granting me eternal life with Him.


I find it rather interesting to consider that back in March of this year, I “happened” to go to a Christian concert with indie artist, Dave Pettigrew, who I have seen more than a few times.  🙂  This particular time John Waller, who currently lives in California, was singing as well.  I was not familiar with John Waller but learned that I had heard him sing before because he sang songs in the movies Fireproof and War Room.


John Waller & Dave Pettigrew


One of his songs entitled “While I’m Waiting” is in the Fireproof movie which was released back in 2009.

Can you guess what song I keep hearing on our local Christian Radio Station?

Yes, exactly, “While I’m Waiting,” even though it was released 10 years ago!  Indeed, it is a timeless song.

Every time I “happen” to hear that song it makes me smile with reassurance that God is confirming my time of waiting is okay.

What are the chances that of all the songs on the radio on my way to work where I can hear maybe four songs, one of them is “While I’m Waiting?”  Even a simple errand where I might hear two songs, there it is!  What a blessing in my life to see God’s perfect timing.


John Waller



Here is a link to the song, While I’m Waiting, which I know will bless you.  If you prefer to just read the lyrics, here they are:



I’m waiting

I’m waiting on You, Lord

And I am hopeful

I’m waiting on You, Lord

Though it is painful

But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident

Taking every step in obedience

While I’m waiting

I will serve You

While I’m waiting

I will worship

While I’m waiting

I will not faint

I’ll be running the race

Even while I wait

I’m waiting

I’m waiting on You, Lord

And I am peaceful

I’m waiting on You, Lord

Though it’s not easy, no

But faithfully, I will wait

Yes, I will wait

And I will move ahead, bold and confident

Taking every step in obedience

While I’m waiting

I will serve You

While I’m waiting

I will worship

While I’m waiting

I will not faint

I’ll be running the race

Even while I wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident

I’ll be taking every step in obedience

While I’m waiting

I will serve You

While I’m waiting

I will worship

While I’m waiting

I will not faint

And I will serve You while I’m waiting

I will worship while I’m waiting

I will serve You while I’m waiting

I will worship while I’m waiting

I will serve you while I’m waiting

I will worship while I’m waiting on You, Lord


The line from this song that mostly strongly resonates with me is




What great truth and wisdom in that statement.  Yes, we need to continually worship the Lord at all times, even in our waiting.


What can the seasons of waiting provide in our lives?

…time to pray for others

…time to practice patience

…time to enjoy the slower pace of life

…time to enjoy the “simple” things…a walk around the block soaking up God’s nature and its beauty

…time to reflect on the Lord working in our lives

…time just to be still

…time to worship while we are waiting

…the realization we don’t have to always be “doing” to be useful.


Would you be willing to please help me finish this post this week?
Could you answer, in the comment section below, your thoughts to one or more of the questions below?
It is always a blessing to get feedback from you, my dear reader.  Thank you in advance.



But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.  –Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.  –Psalm 27:14  (NLT)

I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.  –Psalm 130:5  (NIV)

You are my rock and my fortress. For the honor of your name, lead me out of this danger.  –Psalm 31:3  (NLT)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

9 thoughts on “IN THE WAITING”

  1. I seem to just continue to press on while waiting. He is faithful and good and will always, always come through.

    1. Yes, thank you for the reminder that God is always faithful and good! Great truth. And, yes, I’m learning too to press on day by day…and always keep worshipping! Thanks for sharing; blessings to you and your family!

  2. A waiting period,just came at the right time as a friend and I are going through a waiting period,but as someone reminded me God is never late!Ha e really enjoyed your writings and also the songs!!God Bless in the sharing and giving of your time!!!

    1. Wow….How I love God’s perfect timing, Doris! Thank you so much for sharing those thoughts to let me know I’m not alone either. 🙂 Yes, what a great reminder for me that God is never late…He always provides that perfect timing in our lives. What a special blessing to have you read; thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement. Blessings to you, Doris~

  3. One of my biggest waiting times was waiting to have another child after our first child was born. As the years went on, it became more difficult to accept God’s plan (especially without really knowing if that long term plan would include another pregnancy – I always said if I knew that I would have more children, but I just had to wait, I could have done that. It was the not knowing if I’d ever have another child at all that made it so difficult).

    One of the things that got me through that waiting time was a promise I made to myself that I would not waste the time with the child I had longing for a child that I didn’t have. I made a point of doing my best to fully enjoy and appreciate the one on one time I had with Eric.

    The season that came after my waiting time included the gift of 3 daughters!, (with some additional waiting times in between 🙂 ) , and enough time between each of my children to give me the opportunity to enjoy special time with each of them. (Also the gift of not yet having an empty nest when most of my friends my age do! )

    It all worked out so perfectly!

    1. Thank you, Barb, for sharing that big waiting season in your life! Yes, how very difficult that “not knowing” must have been especially when it is something you so want. Sometimes it is hard to surrender to the Lord with our waiting but then so great when we see later His perfect timing for us. I’m thankful the Lord gave you your daughters so that our lives intersected! Blessings to you and your family!

      1. Yes, it sure is interesting to think of the friends I likely would have never met if not for my children who came “later”!

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