Are you, like me, finding one of the hardest things lately is not being able to be physically present with your brothers, sisters and ministers in the Lord at your worship site?

Truth be told, having church services be accessible online now is truly a blessing for which I am so thankful.  I find it so nice to be able to hear the sermons a few times to soak up even more of what is being shared and seeing how it applies to my life.  In that respect, I know I am growing which feels wonderful; making my relationship with the Lord even closer and stronger.


It was such a nice surprise a week ago to learn he recorded two songs and had them uploaded to my church’s YouTube page.  I was actually heading out to run an errand (yes, it was essential…to pick up some masks my sister-in-law so kindly made so I could send a few to my essential worker daughter) when I played the first song real quick just to hear his voice again.  It was no surprise to me that it brought tears to my eyes and it was so awesome to get a different view of the church from how the services are recorded.  It was even more bittersweet because the angle of the picture is right where I sit each week.

It ended up my travels took me to the Post Office near my church so I parked in the church parking lot.  I figured it was perfect to stay a few minutes just to pray there in my car and listen to the song.  Well, the tear factory turned on!  The song truly speaks to my heart so I want to share it with you, my dear readers.

The song is entitled Consecrate by Matt Brouwer.


I often just keep playing the song over and over.  What I didn’t really realize until I googled the lyrics once, while listening to at the same time, is that there are relatively few lyrics in the song but I find them oh, so very powerful!  And, truth be told, I have been listening to the song right before bed every night lately; a perfect thing to reflect on before dozing off.

With just celebrating Holy Week and Easter the song choice could not have been more perfect. Seeing the Spirit always working that out so impeccably is noteworthy as well.  😉


Before you listen to the song let me share what a google search yielded for definition of

CONSECRATE-verb make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose.

Keep that definition in mind as you listen to the song….The lyrics are below if you want to see them as you listen unless you want to just close your eyes and let the Spirit minister to you!

Here is the link:


Consecrate  by Matt Brouwer

v 1 I’ve never known such love

Break the bread, drink this cup

See the empty grave

Find redemption fully paid

Living in this world makes it so hard to believe

There is forgiveness that we can receive



Even though he died, yet he lives

Even though our sin, nailed him there

And oh what love, oh what mercy

He freely gives

Even though he died

He lives


v 2 Consecrate your heart

Fall upon your knees

We will not forget that Jesus died to set us free

Let yourself be broken, there’s freedom from the pain

How can we worship Him and ever be the same


Chorus  (x2)


Yes, while listening attentively to the lyrics I am overwhelmed with thinking…
…how much LOVE Jesus has for us, shared with us all, when He broke the bread and drank His cup at that Holy Thursday night; something we are, oh, so privileged to share in; remembering His great sacrifice~~
…how blessed we are to think of the empty grave when Jesus rose from the dead just like the Scriptures foretold; yes, our redemption is fully paid because of that act of LOVE for each one of us~~
…how hard it is for us to always receive that forgiveness that Jesus’ death on the cross paid for us; that forgiveness is ours if we just believe in Jesus~~
…how we should consecrate, make sacred, for His divine purpose, our lives, each day of our lives; falling upon our knees in humbleness and thankfulness to Jesus; never forgetting that Jesus died on that cross to set us free~~
…how just like Jesus was broken, in Spirit and body for our sake, we too can be broken; in that brokenness there is freedom from the pain we experience because of Jesus~~
…how our lives are changed forever once we experience Jesus in worship; that glorious encounter; we can never go back to that old creature for we are made new in Him~~
…how despite our sin that nailed Jesus to the cross, yes, He died, but the best news is that three days later He Rose from the dead!   He is alive; in fact, He is always with us~~
…how Jesus shows us the greatest love possible because of giving His life for us; His mercy that we experience each day~~
…how Jesus lives even today; the biggest blessing which we celebrate this Easter season!



In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. –Ephesians 1:7 (NIV)

 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me will live, even though they die. –John 11:25 (GNT)

…Jesus was put to death on a cross.  But three days later, God raised him to life and let him be seen.  –Acts 10:39-40  (CEV)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

4 thoughts on “CONSECRATE”

  1. Awesome message and awesome music – you are blessed to have such a great singer.
    Thank you for sharing

    1. Thanks so much for that blessing, Sandy! I’m glad you could appreciate the specialness of the song too. Yes, I truly am so grateful for Jim sharing his gifted voice with us at church; so often I shed those tears when he’s singing! All good tears of course! Blessings to you and the family~

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