Fresh off from celebrating our Risen Lord and Savior a few weeks ago at Easter how perfect to revisit probably a familiar reading from Luke’s gospel entitled “On the Road to Emmaus.”

I encourage you to take a few minutes to grab your Bible or phone to read Luke 24:13-35.  I will reference just sections of the passage below.

This walk to Emmaus happened on that first Easter day, according to Luke’s gospel, after Mary Magdalene and other women went to Jesus’ tomb where they found the stone rolled away from the tomb and did not find the body of Jesus!  Two angels appeared to the women proclaiming that Jesus was risen just like Jesus had foretold.  They ran to tell the apostles.  Peter ran to the tomb to see with his own eyes and also went away wondering what happened to Jesus.

On this road to Emmaus were two apostles, apostles in the broader spectrum than the original 12 apostles.  One we know was named Cleopas (v. 18), the other unnamed.



You and Cleopas are walking from Jerusalem to the village of Emmaus discussing the things that have happened the last few days; how Jesus was put to death on the cross, how Barabbas was set free.  Jesus was in the tomb and now, three days later, His body has suddenly disappeared.  No one knows what happened to Him!  Your faces are downcast as you try to figure things out as you walk along the road.


Suddenly, a person comes along and starts walking with you and Cleopas.



He wants to know what you guys are talking about.  The two of you fill this person in about Jesus of Nazareth, a prophet powerful in word and deed before God and all the people.  How Jesus was sentenced to death, crucified and now disappeared from the tomb where he lay.

This person suddenly begins sharing with you, starting with Moses and all the Prophets, and explains to you what all the Scriptures say concerning this Jesus!  Your eyes and hearts are still not open to recognizing who is really walking with you.

As the three of you approach the village of Emmaus, this third guy acts as if he is going to be traveling further but you and Cleopas urge him strongly to



So he agrees to come in and stay the night.

The three of you sit down for some dinner and this third person takes bread, gives thanks, breaks it and begins to share with you!  It is then that you and Cleopas realize who it is that is in your midst–yes, JESUS!!  Your eyes and the eyes of your heart are suddenly opened to seeing Jesus being right there with you!

But, as soon as you make that connection, Jesus disappears from your sight!


Cleopas and you turn to each other and ask



You both are so excited to share this wonderful, good news that you have seen the Risen Christ that you return immediately to Jerusalem and find the Eleven and those assembled with them!

The first words you and Cleopas hear from the Eleven are



Cleopas and you so agree and begin to tell about your trip to Emmaus and how you recognized Jesus when he broke the bread!  You cannot contain the joy you feel!


Wow!  This story is so rich in content and applicable to our lives, my dear readers!


Here are some questions and thoughts to ponder and reflect upon from this story~~~
*How many times do we fail to recognize Jesus’ appearances in our lives? 
*In what unexpected ways does Jesus enter our lives, walking with us?
*How often do we let our problems get the best of us, not recognizing Jesus is with us?
*Does doubt creep into our lives instead of believing the truth we know?
*Do we extend the invitation for Jesus to stay with us as we walk down the road with Him?
*Do we recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread?
*Do our hearts burn within us when we open the Scriptures?
*Do our hearts burn within us so that we just have to share Jesus with others?
*Are the eyes of our heart open to see Jesus in each moment of our lives?
*Do we share the Good News with our friends, family and even strangers we meet along the way?
*Can we say with our whole heart and live our lives saying, “It is true!  The Lord is risen?!”
*Do we take time to recognize Jesus in every moment of our lives?

My prayer for you is that you experience that Road to Emmaus in your life, every day of your life, which will enable you to make some positive changes in your life because of that journey with Jesus!

And may you, without any doubt, be able to say:





My dear reader, Jesus is in our midst!  He walks among us and with us.  We, too, have a share in that glorious resurrection that we celebrate each Easter.

From the Scriptures we know that 40 days later after Jesus was Risen from the dead, that He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father.

Jesus left us the gift of the Holy Spirit which is our helper, advocate, encourager, enabler.  All of this is the result of Jesus coming to earth, being put to death on a cross, rising from the dead and ascending into heaven!


“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.”  –Mark 16:6  (NIV)

Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.  –Matthew 28:20  (NLT)

And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”  In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”  –Luke 22:19-20  (NIV)


Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

4 thoughts on “OUR ROAD TO EMMAUS”

  1. What a blessing to read this in such a time of uncertainty and sadness in the world. When nothing else is certain – Jesus IS our certainty! (If we would only open our eyes and recognize him)

    1. What great truth in that statement, Carol! May our eyes be open to seeing Jesus’ Presence everywhere and holding on to His Promises especially in the uncertainty of these times. Thanks for reading and sharing! Blessings….

    1. Many thanks for faithfully reading, Sandy, and your words of encouragement. I am glad you had a nice walk along the road to Emmaus this week! 🙂 Continued blessings to you and your family~

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