Something you may not know about me is that I have difficulty making decisions. Do you have that problem too?

Since I think I’m not the only one, I’ll ask the question,

“Why do we struggle with making decisions?”

  • Do we want life to go smoothly?
  • Do we take personal responsibility for the way things turn out?
  • Do we think we have control over the outcomes?
  • Do we try to make the most of our time as we rush around?
  • Do we try to be people pleasers with our decisions?
  • Do we fear making a wrong decision?


Whenever we have a decision to make, it works best if we share it with God in prayer, asking for His guidance and direction. I have also come to realize the importance of being prudent in making the best decisions we can with the information we have. Being prudent means we know what the end goal is and use discretion to help us make the best decision.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  –Philippians 4:6  (NIV)

“I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion.” –Proverbs 8:12 (NIV)

God cares so much for us and every decision we make. When we turn to Him in prayer, He listens and gives us peace in the way we should go. Wisdom, prudence, knowledge, and discretion all work together perfectly. When deciding what to do, we can do our best to use these gifts to make informed decisions. We need to be assured we made the best decision and everything will work out, even if it wasn’t in the way we were expecting. It is okay. God is still God and with us through it all.


Photo courtesy of Lex McKee under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC 2.0)


It fascinates me to see and know that God often works our decisions out for the best according to His plan. What an amazing thing to notice in retrospect. It is possible that His plan supersedes the plan we had in mind. How wonderful it is to be open to letting God work His perfect orchestrations in our lives.

The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. –Psalm 37:23 (NLT)

You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. –Proverbs 19:21 (NLT)

Isn’t it great that we have such a loving Father who leads us? We walk with Him and He guides our footsteps, having His purpose prevail in our lives! His plan might not be what we had in mind, but we can trust that His way is the best. God cares about all the details of our lives.


I was prepared to try selling my books at a church’s Oktoberfest recently. Things did not work out for that, so I was able to attend a church further away from me, knowing I did not need to hurry back. I thought it was a good time to have dinner with a few ladies after church that I met on the Holy Land pilgrimage. The one lady I checked with already had plans for the day. I then felt led to visit a lady I recently met at the funeral for her son, who was a friend of mine. I had visited her once and she wanted me to come again. She was available, so I believe that was God’s plan for me that day.

At her doorstep was a heavy box that I was able to bring in for her since she cannot get around as easily. It was a goodie box that held some treasures from her son. I was honored that she shared some mementos with me, which will always be treasured items for me. If I had not been there the day the box arrived, I’m not sure I would have the treasures in my possession now.

It is just one small example of how I see and know that God works things out for us if we trust Him and are open to it. In my life, being open to new opportunities that the Lord places in my path has often resulted in great blessings.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. –Romans 8:28 (NIV)

If we love God with all our hearts and live with Him as the center of our lives, we can be assured He is working everything for our good, even when things don’t go as we want them to. We need to keep trusting God.



Be encouraged this week in your decision-making to…
…know that using the gifts of prayer, wisdom, prudence, knowledge, and discretion is the best you can do.
…know that God works His perfect orchestrations in your life.
…see the new opportunities He opens up in your life.


Can you please help me write the ending for this reflection? In the comment section below, please share a time you saw God work out a different decision in your life that brought you a blessing.


We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps. –Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

Author: Christine

Welcome to Hope to Inspire You….Highlighting God’s presence to Inspire your Life! I’m Christine, a Christian, hoping to inspire you by sharing what is in my heart about our faith and our great God. Take some time, read some of my thoughts, and feel free to comment and share your thoughts…It would be a blessing to hear from you. My prayer is that you may be inspired and blessed in some small way by reading!

8 thoughts on “DECISIONS”

    1. Hello, Carm! Thank you for sharing that wisdom and advice about not letting fear paralyze us. That is perfect. It reminds me of the saying Faith not Fear. Thanks for reading and sharing. I hope you are doing well.

  1. A few years ago, at age 76, I had retired for the last time. I was home feeling sorry for myself. My wife was trying hard with positive words telling me to see the cup half full and realize all the wonderful things that continue to go on in my life. Then one day the phone rang, a friend from the past who just became an administrator at a nursing home and she was offering me the opportunity to become their chaplain. She said I can’t offer you much salary but we really would like us to join their team.
    I said yes and and more then a year and a half later, I still say Yes Lord, your will be done. Each day I receive the gift of the Lord. I need to be with these people more than they need me.
    I say sometimes just let go and trust that God will continue to lead us in the right direction. We all have a lifelong job. Spread God’s love each and every day.

    1. What a perfect example to share showing God’s leading and the joy of deciding to say, “Yes!” What great truth to see how much WE are blessed when doing ministry that is supposed to be blessing others. God is so good like that. Indeed, it is all about trusting God to always lead us as we walk with Him daily. I agree with that lifelong job of spreading God’s love each and everyday! Thanks for the ways you do that daily. Keep going strong!

  2. I, also have trouble making decìsions. How ” god’s timing” it was that I just happened to see your comments. I have asked God’s and Blessed Mary’s, St Anthony, and St Jude’s. Help many days. Today being one of them. He puts us in the right place , with the right person(you Christine) .I am grateful for HIS undying help. So blessed to have met you.

    1. Thanks so much for reading and sharing, Muriel! I didn’t know you struggle with decisions too. It’s nice to know we’re not alone. 🙂 You made me smile with reading of God’s perfect timing once again…something that I am so in awe of every time! I am so grateful to know and love you despite the sad circumstance. You are in my prayers and I send my love to you.

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