Something you may not know about me is that I have difficulty making decisions. Do you have that problem too?

Since I think I’m not the only one, I’ll ask the question,

“Why do we struggle with making decisions?”

  • Do we want life to go smoothly?
  • Do we take personal responsibility for the way things turn out?
  • Do we think we have control over the outcomes?
  • Do we try to make the most of our time as we rush around?
  • Do we try to be people pleasers with our decisions?
  • Do we fear making a wrong decision? Continue reading “DECISIONS”


One of my holy places is a retreat house that overlooks a beautiful lake.  It is a place I spend different weekends in ministry helping in the dining area, as well as personally attending retreats.



I missed ministering there last year, especially for extended weekends, because of the pandemic.  They were able to open up for some day retreats back in the fall, which I attended. I was fortunate to attend two Lenten retreats within three weeks.  How could I not take advantage of the blessing of spending alone time with the Lord and soaking up the beauty of the grounds? Continue reading “ALWAYS WITH YOU”


This week I have a simple but hopefully powerful image for you that I heard a speaker mention.  It bears sharing in my humble opinion…..


For something a little different this week, I have an interactive writing!  How can that be you ask?

Well, I thought a visual, personal encounter this week might be a good exercise for you!


Do you have a glove handy?  Go get it please!



Do you have a free hand?  Sure, put that phone down..just for a few seconds!




Now carefully slip the glove over your hand!



Continue reading “THE GLOVE”