With the days growing shorter as winter approaches, I was delighted to experience a glorious sunrise and sunset on the same day while at a retreat at one of my holy places on Canandaigua Lake. I am more of a night owl than an early riser, so noting that the sunrise was around 7:30 a.m. inspired me to get up a little earlier. This was the first time I had a room with a lakeside view, so when I awoke, I was greeted with the horizon bursting with red and orange color before the sun rose. Naturally, I had to go outside to get a better view, feeling united to God and the beauty.


A sail boater enjoying the sunrise on Canandaigua Lake


A glorious sunrise


I enjoyed the quiet, still atmosphere of being all alone in the grassy field overlooking the lake. Just God and me. It was a sacred time, watching the horizon in expectation as the sun came up. I wondered what specifically the Scripture said that I knew contained the words “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.” Continue reading “SON RISE”


One of my holy places is a retreat house that overlooks a beautiful lake.  It is a place I spend different weekends in ministry helping in the dining area, as well as personally attending retreats.



I missed ministering there last year, especially for extended weekends, because of the pandemic.  They were able to open up for some day retreats back in the fall, which I attended. I was fortunate to attend two Lenten retreats within three weeks.  How could I not take advantage of the blessing of spending alone time with the Lord and soaking up the beauty of the grounds? Continue reading “ALWAYS WITH YOU”


Have you ever looked at the sun when it is shining so gloriously and been so mesmerized by the sight?
Sunrise over Virginia Beach (my all time favorite picture!)
If you know me at all, you probably know that happens to me almost everyday that the sun is shining!  Yes, I am forever taking pictures of the sun because it is just so beautiful and reminds me of the presence of the SON in our lives.

Continue reading “THE BEAUTY OF THE SUN”


For me, the SUN is a shining reminder of Jesus, the “SON”, in our lives.

If you have ever seen the sun rise
    from behind the hills and mountains,
You may have been blessed
    by the sparkling red and yellow rays that fill the sky.

swiss alps sunrise picture

Sunrise at the Swiss Alps–Photo courtesy of Bekah.

Just gazing on this beautiful sight,
    reminds us how much beauty is in creation–
     both inanimate and living,
There is a breathtaking awesomeness in the sight.

So may all your enemies perish, O Lord! But may they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength. Then the land had peace forty years.   –Judges 5:31  (NIV)

During the day, see the sun brighten the earth
    and penetrate so deeply and warmly.
I so enjoy being immersed in the warmth of the sun
    as its rays are radiating so intensely.
A sign and symbol of all the love God gives us
    through His “Son”, Jesus.
Jesus’ love for us is deeply rooted in us
    and rises to brighten the lives of others.

For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless.  –Psalm 84:11  (NIV)

sun day

In the evening, see the sun setting over the ocean waters–
    such a tranquil and serene view.
This sight restores our soul
    letting us know God is in control
     and He is filling us with His peace and love.



From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.  –Psalm 113:3  (NIV)


We often think about finding God’s presence in each of us and sharing that with others. But, have you considered how God created the world and all of creation before creating humans? God’s presence can be found in ALL of creation.

Have you ever noticed God’s presence in…..

The evening sunset….blog 2

   The puffy, white clouds…

      The crystal, clear water…

         The hot, sparkling afternoon sun….


The colorful wild flowers…blog 1

   The picturesque path in the woods…

      The birds chirping away…

         The bright fall foliage….


The quietness of the sparkling snow…blog 3 right

   The ice and snow on the river… 

      The brilliant rainbow in the sky…

         The rolling hills and mountains?


If you take a minute to look,

   You will find the presence of the Lord

       In these places too.

ALL of creation shares in revealing God’s presence and praising Him!

You will go out in joy and be led in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.  –Isaiah 55:12