As I was reflecting on a recent day, this passage summed up my thoughts as I was thinking about the theme of being the Body of Christ in light of some events.

Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.  –Ephesians 4:15-16  (NLT) Continue reading “GROWING IN LOVE”


This year during Holy Week I felt inspired to read about Jesus’ last days on this earth, about His death and resurrection, taking into account all four gospels; to see the differences and the similarities.  It was then captivating to continue on with reading the book of Acts journeying with the disciples after Jesus ascended into heaven returning to God, the Father.


PEACE is one recurring theme that struck me especially in the gospel of John.

Jesus wanted His disciples to have peace both once Jesus died and when He returned to heaven at the Ascension.

Along with His Peace, Jesus also gave some commissions to the disciples; what they needed to be doing after Jesus ascended back to God, His Father.

Continue reading “MY PEACE I GIVE YOU”


This week I have a simple but hopefully powerful image for you that I heard a speaker mention.  It bears sharing in my humble opinion…..


For something a little different this week, I have an interactive writing!  How can that be you ask?

Well, I thought a visual, personal encounter this week might be a good exercise for you!


Do you have a glove handy?  Go get it please!



Do you have a free hand?  Sure, put that phone down..just for a few seconds!




Now carefully slip the glove over your hand!



Continue reading “THE GLOVE”


As humans on this earth, what is something we have all experienced to some degree in our lives?  I would dare say…..




Who has “abandoned” you…whether intentional or out of one’s control?
What situations have made you feel abandoned?

Continue reading “ABANDONMENT”