“Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” 


Words that are said by our Pastor at the end of every church service; a powerful reminder of how our lives should be lived daily until we are called home to eternity in heaven with God, our Father.


GLORIFYING THE LORD BY YOUR LIFE- The privilege we are extended everyday on this earth to engage in, my dear reader! Continue reading “GLORIFYING THE LORD BY YOUR LIFE”


If you are a faithful, weekly reader you might recall that last year I confessed that I do a “Word of the Year” rather than New Year’s resolutions starting in January.  In case you wanted to go read that post first, click here  but be sure to come back and read about this year’s word!

I bet you have already made an educated guess as to my word for 2020!  You are correct….

Continue reading “CONTENTMENT – 2020”


Ever since mid-February this year, on the days when the weather permits here in the Northeast, I try to get out and go for a walk outside to get some fresh air.  I believe it was towards the end of February when I noticed what appeared to me to be a huge population of robins this year!  There were lots of robins gathered in yards not just a single one or two.

The first thought I was reminded of with seeing these birds so early in the season was about “the birds of the air.”


More recently what I have noticed on my walks is when I look up in the sky there are so many, what I am assuming are some kind of hawk, in one area just soaring around the sky.

The thought that always comes to my mind when I observe this scene, especially with seeing their wings outstretched soaring, is about “under the shadow of His wings.” Continue reading “LESSONS FROM THE BIRDS OF THE AIR”


This year during Holy Week I felt inspired to read about Jesus’ last days on this earth, about His death and resurrection, taking into account all four gospels; to see the differences and the similarities.  It was then captivating to continue on with reading the book of Acts journeying with the disciples after Jesus ascended into heaven returning to God, the Father.


PEACE is one recurring theme that struck me especially in the gospel of John.

Jesus wanted His disciples to have peace both once Jesus died and when He returned to heaven at the Ascension.

Along with His Peace, Jesus also gave some commissions to the disciples; what they needed to be doing after Jesus ascended back to God, His Father.

Continue reading “MY PEACE I GIVE YOU”


Fresh off from celebrating our Risen Lord and Savior a few weeks ago at Easter how perfect to revisit probably a familiar reading from Luke’s gospel entitled “On the Road to Emmaus.”

I encourage you to take a few minutes to grab your Bible or phone to read Luke 24:13-35.  I will reference just sections of the passage below.

This walk to Emmaus happened on that first Easter day, according to Luke’s gospel, after Mary Magdalene and other women went to Jesus’ tomb where they found the stone rolled away from the tomb and did not find the body of Jesus!  Two angels appeared to the women proclaiming that Jesus was risen just like Jesus had foretold.  They ran to tell the apostles.  Peter ran to the tomb to see with his own eyes and also went away wondering what happened to Jesus. Continue reading “OUR ROAD TO EMMAUS”


Are you, like me, finding one of the hardest things lately is not being able to be physically present with your brothers, sisters and ministers in the Lord at your worship site?

Truth be told, having church services be accessible online now is truly a blessing for which I am so thankful.  I find it so nice to be able to hear the sermons a few times to soak up even more of what is being shared and seeing how it applies to my life.  In that respect, I know I am growing which feels wonderful; making my relationship with the Lord even closer and stronger.

Continue reading “CONSECRATE”


When we celebrated the New Year at midnight on January 1, 2020 I believe there was excitement in the air!  The joy of ringing in a New Year and a whole new decade.  Another chance for new beginnings, endless opportunities and changes in ourselves if we were motivated.

I don’t believe any of us envisioned that in a little over 2 months later, our world as we knew it, would suddenly come to a screeching halt.  Little did we know how drastically our lives would change for each of us individually, our families, our country and even the whole world!


Continue reading “ROOTS OF OUR FAITH”


Yes, we have the VICTORY  through Jesus’ death on the cross!!  What a powerful reminder of that victory when we gaze upon Jesus hanging on the cross.


Photo courtesy of Prayitno  under Creative Commons License (CC BY 2.0)


The Holy Spirit revealed a cool revelation to me the other day; one that I’m sure we’ve all made but it took on a little deeper meaning to me this time. Continue reading “VICTORY”


As Christians, we know that God has given us all gifts to help build up the Kingdom of God while on this earth; ways to glorify God in our everyday lives. I have been thinking specifically about the gift of encouragement.


I penned thoughts on the topic of Our Gifts back in 2017. Click here  to read those thoughts.


We have different gifts based on the grace that was given to us. So if your gift is prophecy, use your gift in proportion to your faith. If your gift is serving, devote yourself to serving others. If it is teaching, devote yourself to teaching others. If it is encouraging, devote yourself to encouraging others. If it is sharing, share generously. If it is leading, lead enthusiastically. If it is helping, help cheerfully. –Romans 12:6-8 (ISV) Continue reading “ENCOURAGEMENT”


God’s Grace~~


A thought that occurred to me one particular day when I could not stop thanking God for His goodness and grace.


When we think of God’s Grace, I believe the first thing that usually comes to our mind is God’s Grace in relation to our salvation.  Grace is most commonly defined as “the free and unmerited favor of God.”  Because of God’s Grace to us, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth, to die for our sins; for our salvation.  Grace is a free gift from God to us!

In researching different definitions about the word Grace, I found one site that listed seven of them.  I am going to zero in on two of those which are applicable to these thoughts this week:



Continue reading “GOD’S GRACE”